Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker View Post
Rad - You have to be reasonable. You make threads in RR that are cool and get people talking as you see in the BBQ one. But then you say global disses that are not cool. You cant expect posters to want to chat it up with you when you insult their intelligence and seriously call them idiots. It’s one thing to battle with someone because you don’t agree. It’s another to take your ball and go home then act surprised when they don’t want to play with you later.

Arguing or debating is part of the fun of posting IMO. Grouping the entire forum into the category of idiots is wrong. I could see if you said that to me or Red. But there are many informed posters who try having a little fun with you. Instead of rising to the occasion you shrink. Battle back if you choose but stop getting all butt hurt with everyone might help.

Believe as you please, but I'll not back down to a racist or be bullied by anyone. Debating should be a part of this forum, but personal attacks and low class behavior can't be overlooked when it's directed in my direction. More than one posters are on my ignore list, so I'm trying to avoid confrontations. Not all forum members are idiots, yet too many would fit in just fine with the 13/14 year old at a middle school.

I don't know your age, but I grew up with Bob Hope and Carol Burnett and many others that did not feel the need to use vulgarity or sex to get a laugh. You can call me what you will, but I've refused to lower my standards to accommodate anyone. It's always been easier to lower standards than to elevate them. In addition, I also salute those rare post/posters that do write impressive prose and present a valid argument.

I don't feel the need to wallow in the mud because others do it..