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Thread: More Banjo: Coronavirus And Sports

  1. #361
    Senior Rat All-Pro oldbutnotdeadyet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
    Valuable time was lost though.

    Wisconsin is closing down this week the Governor announced.
    Exactly, the US should have been preparing when China was getting hammered. In my mind, there is no excuse for not having enough test kits, not enough masks.

  2. #362
    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead View Post
    And that is exactly what they are attempting to do. But partisans like Ismail pretend we are not and its frustrating.
    I think they are still on symptomatic cases for testing.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  3. #363
    Quote Originally Posted by oldbutnotdeadyet View Post
    Exactly, the US should have been preparing when China was getting hammered. In my mind, there is no excuse for not having enough test kits, not enough masks.
    The history of not being prepared for pandemics or near-pandemics is a long one though. Whatever virus hit in 2009 I believe exposed the possibly severe lack of respirators, but it never turned the corner to disastrous. So little changed between then and now.

    I'll try to find that link.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  4. #364
    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
    The history of not being prepared for pandemics or near-pandemics is a long one though. Whatever virus hit in 2009 I believe exposed the possibly severe lack of respirators, but it never turned the corner to disastrous. So little changed between then and now.

    I'll try to find that link.
    Still digging, but this is a decent setup for the 2009 H1N1 virus that highlighted the likely shortages.

    Yet just 10 years ago, the virus that the world is most prepared for caught almost everyone off guard. In the early 2000s, the CDC was focused mostly on Asia, where H5N1—the type of flu deemed most likely to cause the next pandemic—was running wild among poultry and waterfowl. But while experts fretted about H5N1 in birds in the East, new strains of H1N1 were evolving within pigs in the West. One of those swine strains jumped into humans in Mexico, launching outbreaks there and in the U.S. in early 2009. The surveillance web picked it up only in mid-April of that year, when the CDC tested samples from two California children who had recently fallen ill.

    One of the most sophisticated disease-detecting networks in the world had been blindsided by a virus that had sprung up in its backyard, circulated for months, and snuck into the country unnoticed. “We joked that the influenza virus is listening in on our conference calls,” says Daniel Jernigan, who directs the CDC’s Influenza Division. “It tends to do whatever we’re least expecting.”
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  5. #365
    The highlights:

    American hospitals, which often operate unnervingly close to full capacity, likewise struggled with the surge of patients. Pediatric units were hit especially hard by H1N1, and staff became exhausted from continuously caring for sick children. Hospitals almost ran out of the life-support units that sustain people whose lungs and hearts start to fail. The health-care system didn’t break, but it came too close for comfort—especially for what turned out to be a training-wheels pandemic. The 2009 H1N1 strain killed merely 0.03 percent of those it infected; by contrast, the 1918 strain had killed 1 to 3 percent, and the H7N9 strain currently circulating in China has a fatality rate of 40 percent.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  6. #366
    Possible lessons:

    “A lot of people said that we dodged a bullet in 2009, but nature just shot us with a BB gun,” says Richard Hatchett, the CEO of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations. Tom Inglesby, a biosecurity expert at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, told me that if a 1918-style pandemic hit, his hospital “would need in the realm of seven times as many critical-care beds and four times as many ventilators as we have on hand.”

    That the U.S. could be so ill-prepared for flu, of all things, should be deeply concerning. The country has a dedicated surveillance web, antiviral drugs, and an infrastructure for making and deploying flu vaccines. None of that exists for the majority of other emerging infectious diseases.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  7. #367
    Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker View Post
    Empathy? For druggies catching AIDS from needles? Hell no, not for that. That's the only time I mentioned empathy.

    This hospital crowding thing? You have it exactly backwards - surprise surprise. If they don't have enough beds for truly sick old people dying from corona or whatever (and that is a very shaky claim just about everywhere in the country), the reason is the herding of people with mild or no symptoms into hospitals unnecessarily.

    If I'm gonna have empathy, it's gonna be for the huge majority of good normal people, not a few exceptional cases, and absolutely not for shithead druggies and others who suffer because of bad choices they make.

    Oh yeah, and Zool, you continue to be a worthless piece of shit and dumb as a rock, incapable of putting a coherent sentences together much less a whole post.
    They are running out of ventilators. This has nothing to do with too much testing. People don't go on ventilators for fun .

  8. #368
    Roadkill Rat HOFer mraynrand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand View Post
    If you want a rational look at this, read this:
    Jeebus. Medium pulled this. It was full of completely solid information. This guy was skeptical because of some non-evidence-based projections and wanted to offer another perspective. I hate that decisions like this are being made. Objectors should have written a rebuttal instead.

  9. #369
    Quote Originally Posted by sharpe1027 View Post
    They are running out of ventilators. This has nothing to do with too much testing. People don't go on ventilators for fun .

    I almost lost a kid to respiratory failure. It's fucking gnarly and incredibly resource intensive.

    She was on the ventilator for 7-10 days, teams of doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, the whole nine yards. Dozens of people, not including my wife and I and a bunch of friends not leaving her side 24/7, to save one one year old kid.

    Now multiply that by how many thousands?

    You all can circle-jerk arguments about the media all you like, this thing is going to get a fuck of a lot worse before it gets better.

    I pray that none of you or the ones you love goes critical because being intubated for over a week ain't no walk in the park; respiratory failure is a stone cold fucked up way to die.

  10. #370
    Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker View Post
    Cumby, you America-hating shithead, that is absolutely NOT a quote from me. pbmax, can you sanction him for posting a blatant misquote like that?
    See? You're such a fucking snow-flake pussy.

    You're the first to abuse anyone whose opinion you don't like, you post with not an iota of empathy or caring for your fellow man, your callous disregard for other humans in suffering drips from your posts but when you get mocked for that, you cry 'foul' and want daddy to protect you from meanie George.

    You're fucking pathetic.

  11. #371
    Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand View Post
    Jeebus. Medium pulled this. It was full of completely solid information. This guy was skeptical because of some non-evidence-based projections and wanted to offer another perspective. I hate that decisions like this are being made. Objectors should have written a rebuttal instead.
    He made 4 distinct errors in the first six paragraphs of the piece. He literally gave the link to data then wrote a different number in the piece. Also rewrote polling questions and/or answers.

    I did not get far into the numbers but the piece was suspect right from the get go. Each error was in the same direction.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  12. #372
    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
    He made 4 distinct errors in the first six paragraphs of the piece. He literally gave the link to data then wrote a different number in the piece. Also rewrote polling questions and/or answers.

    I did not get far into the numbers but the piece was suspect right from the get go. Each error was in the same direction.
    Yeah, I started to read it but couldn't get close to finishing it, it was so flawed.

  13. #373
    Roadkill Rat HOFer mraynrand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
    He made 4 distinct errors in the first six paragraphs of the piece. He literally gave the link to data then wrote a different number in the piece. Also rewrote polling questions and/or answers.

    I did not get far into the numbers but the piece was suspect right from the get go. Each error was in the same direction.
    So fix it or rebut it like you just did. I used it as a link to data.

  14. #374
    Indenial Rat HOFer bobblehead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
    Valuable time was lost though.

    Wisconsin is closing down this week the Governor announced.
    Valuable time was lost when China lied to the world. Now the money they invested in the WHO is paying off as the world pretends that's not the case. Show me all the experts who were demanding we test more vigorously earlier than we did. You are repeating a talking point that has been debunked already. Resources are limited and I don't mean just money. And again, testing symptomatic people can only be done if those people come in to be tested. People didn't take it seriously early, they called the president racist and accused him of being xenophobic....then those same people whined that he didn't act fast enough.
    I don't hold Grudges. It's counterproductive.

  15. #375
    Indenial Rat HOFer bobblehead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
    I think they are still on symptomatic cases for testing.
    Then why did Rand Paul get tested? Again, you can't force everyone on a chain to get tested. You can recommend they do. And again, if people had taken this seriously when we locked down travel from china we would have more kits not....but they didn't. They ALL didn't.
    I don't hold Grudges. It's counterproductive.

  16. #376
    Indenial Rat HOFer bobblehead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
    He made 4 distinct errors in the first six paragraphs of the piece. He literally gave the link to data then wrote a different number in the piece. Also rewrote polling questions and/or answers.

    I did not get far into the numbers but the piece was suspect right from the get go. Each error was in the same direction.
    Which is the norm now days. Like I said, how about the media go back to writing information instead of trying to impose a bias. All the media.
    I don't hold Grudges. It's counterproductive.

  17. #377
    Senior Rat All-Pro oldbutnotdeadyet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead View Post
    Valuable time was lost when China lied to the world. Now the money they invested in the WHO is paying off as the world pretends that's not the case. Show me all the experts who were demanding we test more vigorously earlier than we did. You are repeating a talking point that has been debunked already. Resources are limited and I don't mean just money. And again, testing symptomatic people can only be done if those people come in to be tested. People didn't take it seriously early, they called the president racist and accused him of being xenophobic....then those same people whined that he didn't act fast enough.
    He didn't act fast enough, but it wasn't just him.

  18. #378
    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead View Post
    I don't want to get to political, I know this isn't FYI. But I have to say this. Tex reaction is more common than you think, and the reason is simple. The media has cried wolf and disseminated disinformation so many times in an attempt to hurt trump that half the trump supporters I know feel like Tex does.

    The media has done neither itself or the public any favors by almost literally becoming the boy who cried wolf over the last 3+ years. This is way serious and now because people have lived through the lies and disinformation for so long they think its just another attempt to hurt the president. Worst of all, because of the measures we are taking I would bet the death total comes in under the 12.5k median that H1N1 caused. It wasn't nearly as deadly as this and the previous president and media largely ignored it, but because the media LOVES to inflame and cause panic over all things right and forgive any transgressions of the left the numbers will be cited as evidence of just that instead of evidence that we handled this very well when all was said and done.

    The media will be in a tough spot. Either admit Trump handled it well, or admit they peddled in panic for this, but not H1N1. The truth for the objective is that this could be a catastrophe but for the swift decisive action taken in shutting down travel from China while others were screaming racist and xenophobe. For holding daily infomercials while others were screaming your acting like a know nothing.

    What a wonderful world this would be if the media learned their role again as informers, not partisans. Alas, when this is over, Tex will be saying this was a hoax to hurt our president and Ismail will be saying Trump botched this and no one would have died at all if Hillary were president.

    There, said my piece, ban me, censor me, whatever.
    Excellent Post, Bobblehead. I was trying to leave direct political references in the FYI thread, but it is what it is.

    The fact is, a huge portion of the population, likely a majority already at this point sees this farce for what it is - and for the record, I do not and will not say the virus itself was a hoax. The stupid overreaction to it? No, as bad as that has been, I wouldn't quite call it a hoax either. Most of the people pushing this misguided crap are probably sincere in their panic. The media, as with so many things, are the primary villains here, but a lot of good people - including Trump himself (I think this is the first time I've mentioned him outside of the FYI thread) have been sincerely taken in and overdone the shit they have forced on us.

    As time goes by, though, and it becomes more and more apparent that nobody is dying from this other than some old sick people who were close to dying anyway, and the huge majority of people getting it don't have any more than very mild symptoms, and many none at all. I bet the most likely people to realize the stupidity of the overreaction are the people who already got corona - they know.
    What could be more GOOD and NORMAL and AMERICAN than Packer Football?

  19. #379
    Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand View Post
    So fix it or rebut it like you just did. I used it as a link to data.
    Not sure what he is doing now.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  20. #380
    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead View Post
    Then why did Rand Paul get tested? Again, you can't force everyone on a chain to get tested. You can recommend they do. And again, if people had taken this seriously when we locked down travel from china we would have more kits not....but they didn't. They ALL didn't.
    Oh, we can talk for a long time about the wealthy and connected getting tests ahead of everyone else.

    After stating testing was continuing to be for the symptomatic, Pence and his wife were tested. Do as I say, not as I do.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

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