CMI, nothing Rodgers has said lately is remotely like this - "It takes two to tango on re-upping Rodgers. At this point, I think it's abundantly clear that Rodgers feels it's too little too late." Other than the off-season farce generated by media pukes, to which Rodgers probably sarcastically replied something about wanting to be traded, all he has said is he wants to finish his career in Green Bay.

A "home town discount" for Rodgers and Adams? Before all of Gutekunst and Murphy's dumbassery, that might have happened. Now, even if he doesn't need the money, it's quite possible he wants to get more money just to stick it to the leaders who maybe he perceives as fucking him over. Adams also was not sounding like he was in the mood to settle for a discount. That probably is all irrelevant, though, because the cap situation is greatly overblown as a problem. It's gonna go through the roof next season.

Brady's super model wife is a billionaire? I'd buy multi-millionaire, but not billions. Rodgers' wife is a movie star, which probably isn't that far off from a super model. Brady doesn't get max pay, but he is up there pretty close. After all, he's the second GOAT.

I didn't actually hear Murphy say that gem about highly paid QBs, but would anybody like to consider that maybe he was being sarcastic? The alternative is that he really is that STUPID.