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Thread: Fitness

  1. #1
    Rider Rat HOFer Upnorth's Avatar
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    In the last 3 + years I have lost about 70 pounds.
    I started with beachbody on demand 21 day fix. Got a cheap Garmin and im a competitive mofo.
    Started my journey. Lots of walking and cardio. Not enough strenght training. Did 21 day extreme and down loaded myfitnesspal to count macros. Bought some weights did body beast. Then liift 4. Then core de force (Mma and my favorite in tbe box program ever). Bought a heavy bag and stand and speed bag. Started doing stronglifts 5x5 and core de force. Did a 5k. Did a 10k. Did 10 rds and am teaching my son basic boxing techniques (I am a former military boxer. I sucked but meh). Currently traing for my first triathlon while doing 5x5.

    Over did a core yoga routine this am and low key hurt my back doing supermans. I am listening to my wife bath the 5 yr old (my favorite dad chore. Besides Lego and the game labyrinth). Feeling sorry for myself (lot of that lately).
    Figured I see if we had any other stories out there.
    Please share.
    All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.

    George Orwell

  2. #2
    I am in the weight loss game too. Lost about 60 lbs in the past year, amazingly enough I started Feb 21 of last year so yesterday was my one year anniversary.

    I am all in on the OMAD and weight lifting band wagon. OMAD is life changing and extremely easy to follow IMHO.

  3. #3
    Rider Rat HOFer Upnorth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by call_me_ishmael View Post
    I am in the weight loss game too. Lost about 60 lbs in the past year, amazingly enough I started Feb 21 of last year so yesterday was my one year anniversary.

    I am all in on the OMAD and weight lifting band wagon. OMAD is life changing and extremely easy to follow IMHO.
    Yes!!!!! Love it! Fasting is so gpod for you on so many levels. I go between ones and 16 off-8 on typically. Some times I do a zero Wednesday and friday then a 12 hr window the next day. I get an energy boost at 10ish hours and 24ish hours. Hour 20 is like auto nap time.
    All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.

    George Orwell

  4. #4
    Yeah I'm super into it. I feel amazing all the time. Fasting is a life hack for sure. I did a 5 day water fast last week, that wasn't very fun and certainly was mentally challenging. Good to do hard things every now and again.

  5. #5
    Rider Rat HOFer Upnorth's Avatar
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    5 days only water?? Wow. I can't bring myself to. I love food. Heck I work out so I can eat more!

    Seriously though how was the reintegration of food? Ive heard it can be bad. We're your cloths hanging off you? Did you continue to lift?
    All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.

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  6. #6
    Senior Rat All-Pro oldbutnotdeadyet's Avatar
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    I am not sure
    Quote Originally Posted by Upnorth View Post
    5 days only water?? Wow. I can't bring myself to. I love food. Heck I work out so I can eat more!

    Seriously though how was the reintegration of food? Ive heard it can be bad. We're your cloths hanging off you? Did you continue to lift?
    So I guess it matters where you start from. Me? I'm 66, 190lbs, 5' 10", never considered myself fat but all the tables say yup. I've lifted all my life, but I guess not doing it right. My weight seldom changes no matter what I do, or eat. And at 66, not sure I care anymore..

  7. #7
    53, 5'8" 150#.

    Struggled with body dysmorphia as a young man, growing up in the age of Schwarzenegger and Stallone being slight of frame didn't help my body image.

    Found technical rock-climbing, a sport which fit my mind-set and body type. Climbed single-mindedly for 10+ years.

    Found my wife and then had kids, no time to climb, plus injury/death hard to fit into the family life.

    Did CrossFit solid for 10 years.

    Now, I do a mixed bag of running/rucking, yoga/mobility/movement, gymnastics, kettlebell and barbell plus random outdoor activities.

    The biggest thing for me is not chasing what other people are doing and listening to my own body, as trite as that is. And not maxing or going to failure anymore. I don't have the adaptive capacity anymore.

    I've messed around with the time-restricted feeding and like it but have found if my training volume is up, my body NEEDS extra fat and protein.

    I've also found that when fasting, I sleep REALLY poorly, so I don't hardcore fast.

    Thanks, UN for starting a good, positive thread.

  8. #8
    Rider Rat HOFer Upnorth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldbutnotdeadyet View Post
    So I guess it matters where you start from. Me? I'm 66, 190lbs, 5' 10", never considered myself fat but all the tables say yup. I've lifted all my life, but I guess not doing it right. My weight seldom changes no matter what I do, or eat. And at 66, not sure I care anymore..
    Ewven if you dont care anymore keep doing something. Loss of muscle tone is horrible for seniors plus studies have show the best long term medicine to prevent dementia / Alzheimer's is exercise.
    All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.

    George Orwell

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Upnorth View Post
    5 days only water?? Wow. I can't bring myself to. I love food. Heck I work out so I can eat more!

    Seriously though how was the reintegration of food? Ive heard it can be bad. We're your cloths hanging off you? Did you continue to lift?
    I do continue to lift although I am not nearly as productive in the gym as I'd like.

    I haven't had any issues with reintegration of food but I take berberine 1g every night before bed which helps a lot of gut health and basically serves as a probiotic is my understanding. I have definitely heard it can be gnarly.

    I probably won't do another long fast like that for awhile. It's really challenging with kids since I cook dinner every night and frankly I think it sets a bad example for them from a "food is bad" perspective.

    I am after the autophagy and undoing years of damage I've done to my life with late night binge snacking while working.

  10. #10
    Rider Rat HOFer Upnorth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by call_me_ishmael View Post
    I do continue to lift although I am not nearly as productive in the gym as I'd like.

    I haven't had any issues with reintegration of food but I take berberine 1g every night before bed which helps a lot of gut health and basically serves as a probiotic is my understanding. I have definitely heard it can be gnarly.

    I probably won't do another long fast like that for awhile. It's really challenging with kids since I cook dinner every night and frankly I think it sets a bad example for them from a "food is bad" perspective.

    I am after the autophagy and undoing years of damage I've done to my life with late night binge snacking while working.
    My wife and 18 yr old give me grief over my relationship with food and the example I'm setting. At the table I eat twice what anyone else does (well not my 14 year old boy. 6 months ago yes). I just don't eat away from it.
    All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.

    George Orwell

  11. #11
    This might be a little out there for y'all. But IME, the Kundalini, especially the focus on intense breath work is next level stuff:

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