I'm on board.

Anyone who knows me knows I've never been a Rodgers fan. There was a reason he fell to Green Bay in the draft and he's displayed that reason for 18 years.

He's a head case, always has been. Then of course there is the fact he's never been able to throw a 5 yard out, a screen or a slant. His consistently under throwing, over throwing, dirt balls and the fact he can't hit anyone in stride. This past season he didn't have the cast to make him look good. And for as much as Favre didn't know what defenses he was playing against, Rodgers can't figure it out running the entire play clock down. When the game is on the line, we need 3 yards - Rodgers goes deep. That's not LaFleur, that's Rodgers.

Last season all he had to to was hand the ball off and let the run set up the pass but he made poor decisions in the RPO and I grew very tired of the Mike McCarthy offense still being around when he isn't.

It's been a painful 18 years for me to watch this narcissist.

As for Love, time will tell. He's got the talent, he shown he's matured from season to season. Will it be enough? I guess that depends on the rest of the team. I am a Packer fan and I watch them come hell or high water no matter who is playing on the team. That doesn't mean I can't be pissed off at certain players for thinking they are bigger than the team =).