Tyree Wilson might be the first defensive player taken, before Jalen Carter and Will Anderson. No way he falls outside the top 7.

I think Skoronski could survive at tackle, but he'd thrive at guard. Length is an issue on the outside with him. I know people have talked about Bulaga and his short arms, Skoronski has even shorter. I just think he's better inside, just like I think Elgton Jenkins is better at G than T. I could see a team taking him high and trying him both places, you'll get a solid 10 year player with some position flexibility. I'd put him at LG and train him to be a backup at T though.

I'm kinda on the Darnell Ws bandwagon - Wright and Washington, although if they could trade down a few spots in R1, still get Wright and pick up a R3 that would be even better. I think EDGE in R2 is a high likelihood. Hard to say until the draft starts and players come off the board.