Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker View Post
Bretsky, it sounds like you're saying "media pukes are people too" hahahahaha. A big whatever to that. It's the nature of their sick profession that I hate. If they would just stick to reporting statistics and hard news, that would be one thing, but worming their way like damned parasites into the personnel and staff of the team, that shit is just disgusting.

What you said about the comparison between the Packers and Bucks, I'll give you an alternative take on that: Yeah, Giannis is exactly what you said he is. But I'd argue that Rodgers is or was about that good and honorable and good teammate too - until the God damned media assholes wormed their way in and did their damnedest to stir up trouble. I suppose you'd argue that the shit about Rodgers existed without the media fucking things up. I'd argue that everything about Rodgers for a long time indicated that he was an excellent teammate and loyal team member. Why did they do it to Rodgers and not Giannis? I don't know, maybe because Giannis was foreign, maybe he just made himself immune to the media shit. At this point, the Rodgers situation is old news, over and done with. The way I see it, though, the media shitheads did their damnedest to drive him out of Green Bay and finally succeeded. Fuck all of them and let them rot in hell.

run pMc, plus one to most or all of what you said.

dammit Tex sometimes I want to just slap some sense into you regarding your ignoramous views of Shitbag. Stop ignoring everything he has and had not done and open your eyes.

Wilde pointed out AROD started as a great teammate. He said he invited every Packer over for a Barbeque to get to know everybody, and establish some relationships, in 2008

First off MEDIA are PEOPLE TOO.

And Don't insult Giannis be comparing the two. He leads by example, getting his body in great shape and working out with teammates all offseason, while AROD......skips the OTA's and sits int he dark for 4 days straight as well as all his other shit.

Everybody respects and wants Giannis to stay in GB. If you open your eyes you know many players, and over 70% of those in WI have had enough of shitbag's antics and don't care he's moved on. That's 70% as opposed to 0% who want Giannis to leave Milwaukee.

And one last thing, SHITBAG, aka KAREN is the biggest GB Media Whore of them all. He promotes his self agenda, and leakds his bullshit views on the world more than any media member I know.

DAMMIT TEX see the light

