Quote Originally Posted by Fritz View Post
I think it was the getting switched from safety to (briefly) OLB, then inside, that threw him. He didn't seem comfortable - didn't sound like a quick study, sounds like a guy who needs time to soak it all in. I get that. It's got to be tough.

But as teams are always looking for those big bodies, my guess is that Ford would be more likely to be claimed than Carpenter. Maybe they kept Ford on the 53 initially so other teams would load up their practice squads and perhaps be more likely to pass on him. But again, I'm just guessing.

This time of year always offers moves from the team that you find puzzling. In the end, most of them don't matter a whole lot.

I will say that Malik Heath seems to be a real diamond, and maybe not even too much in the rough. There must be a Green Bay scout somewhere who has a giant boner right now over that find.

I am hoping Sims can become the blocking-type guy they need. In the meantime, he can work on the other parts of his game. But they need someone who can block and play some ST, I think.
Was watching GMF on tv this morning and Malik Heath was referred to as "Matt Lafluer's downfield thug."

No shit.


LaFluer looks like he's ready to cry every time I see him on camera.

And he has a downfield thug??