Quote Originally Posted by run pMc View Post
I don't think it's a protest or holdout. Bakhtiari isn't a malingerer and by all accounts has bought into being in GB and working hard. Nothing he has said indicates otherwise either. His vendetta vs. turf goes back much earlier than this year, he's just more vocal about it.

I think his knee doesn't react well to playing on turf, and it's also sore. They put him on the inactive list for the ATL for both reasons, and that's probably it.
Hopefully he can play vs. NO for the home opener.

I wouldn't read too much into it beyond that. Not yet anyway.
He's going to be struggling all year to get onto the field. Probably play a game, sit one or two out, play a game. His knee just is never going to allow him to play full-time all-the-time football any more.

I'm going to guess he'll play in the home opener. But after that, he'll likely miss.

So Rasheed Walker and Yosh Nijman better be ready for on-again/off-again playing time. Nijman can make himself some coin if he plays well.