Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead View Post
Losing is a culture. I can embrace the one year reset tank, but you can't allow the players to embrace it. MiLF has to stay on them to WIN. Just like I bitched that fat mike would get a lead and make the D play on its heels and then ask them to ratch the intensity back up when it was a one score game with 2 minutes left, I'll bitch that Gutes is losing guys who know how to win. Culture matters (no, thats not an FYI statement). If you allow the players to accept that losing is OK you will have a problem.

We can embrace it. Gutes can embrace a bad season. The coaches and players can not, and Gutes should have understood that before trading Douglas.

My coin phrase was ther for the purpose of geting a top QB or Marvin Marvelous Harrison JR. Perhaps, I should rename it. Embrace the Tank 2024