Quote Originally Posted by Fritz View Post
I don't expect Stokes to be good his first game back, but he really kinda needs to have a good couple of games at the end of the season here. We're almost to the trying-to-salvage-his-career point with him. Now, is that on Guter? Stokes had a very promising rookie season, then regressed. Was he a good pick or a crummy pick or we don't know?
We don't know. He was pretty solid as a rookie, started off year 2 very shaky, got a little better, then had a really bad injury. Injury has carried over to Year 3... so we really haven't seen enough IMO.
he's played ONE snap on ST this year, not good return on a R1 pick... but I'd put that on injury luck, not on Gute. I don't think Stokes had a concerning injury history coming out of college. Also: injuries pretty much end or derail every player's career... and if it ain't injuries, it's age (or suckitude).