“I remember Lombardi calling Jerry to the podium before I went into the training room. He passed my locker as I’m getting undressed and I told him, ‘Don’t forget to tell them it was a double-team.’ I didn’t think I had to remind him. He said, ‘You’ve got 10 more years to make another block like that. Let an old guy get the glory.’ I guess that’s what he did. He took the credit in his book, ‘Instant Replay.’ Somebody interviewed Jethro and he actually said I got a better block on him than Jerry. I didn’t write a book. Jerry did.”


I read this story before. I remember reading about Kramer telling him that and taking all the credit. I've hated Kramer ever since. I met him in Green Bay once at the Brass Rail (a bar back when). I said something like "Hey, you're Jerry Kramer. I should buy you a beer, but I don't buy beer for self aggrandizing attention whores who fuck over their team mates". It felt good. Real good. I'd do it again.