Quote Originally Posted by Bretsky View Post
I would be a buyer of that as well as a Reed Card. What do those go for ?

Buying the Love Machine's Card yet ?

REAL STORY, when my wife and I were on a vacation in Floriday she knew I loved Brett Favre at the time (same first name). that was when he was in INT machine. I'd fight were her ignorant family all the time about how he''s the real deal.

She bought me Brett Favre rookie cards on the cheap in Florida after his bad year. Paid about $4 a piece for them

F'ckin Airline lost my luggage bad and I never got them back. No biggie at the time (although they were going for $20/card in WI. Thought nothing of it.

But years later, those 3 dam cards would be worth a lota ching
Oh shit, I better get on love!!