hahahahaha If that's what floats your boat. If all ya'll can do is go back and dig up my old posts, you're pretty pathetic. I said a couple weeks ago I was wrong about how good Love would be and how soon. The Rodgers haters - which inexplicably there are a lot of in here, like to whine about how pushing him out was a great thing. I don't know whether Gutekunst was such a genius that he was fairly sure Love would turn out to be as great as he is getting to be or not. What I still stand by, though, was that Rodgers would have been great for 3-5 or more years. I'm fairly sure he still will be. Would he have messed up his Achilles if he still was with the Packers? It's a stretch to say either yes or no about that. Would the Packers have done better than 9-8 this year with a healthy Rodgers? I say probably yes, but I'd concede that's debatable.

What I advocated several times was to keep Rodgers and find a way to keep Love too. THAT would have maximized things both short and long term, although admittedly it wouldn't have been easy to do.

Here we are on the brink of the playoffs, and the usual suspects of whiny piss ants are nipping at my heels hahahaha. How many of ya'all were all in on Love from the beginning? How many of ya'all hopped on the Love Train as early as I did?