Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker View Post
Frozen Tundra, taking your word for it on the facts about the Chiefs, that's an example of doing it the other way, more like the Ted Thompson way, not pushing the cap to the limit. I'm thinking that works for the same reason - hitting it big with a HOF level QB. Just as with the Packers in the Thompson years, though, arguably they are not maximizing things. They could be even better hahahaha.
One other thing KC seems to have going for it is that the players seem inclined to buy into the "team first" mentality, and understand that the price of playing on a well-run and successful team is you may not make as much money. Mahomes, for one, could be making more money if he wanted to push it, and Travis Kelce admits that it's frustrating knowing that teammates who get traded away or leave in FA are making a lot more than he does. But, he loves his teammates and the organization, and it's important to him to be a part of it.