Quote Originally Posted by Sparkey View Post
I think that Gutey has shown the best way of limit the negative after effects of "going all in" is to draft exceptionally well so that you have a deep well of exciting talent on 1st and 2nd year contracts.
That's the picture that is starting to paint itself, and I'm getting really excited to see where this line of thinking takes us. If I'm the rest of teh entire NFL, I'm paying very close attention to what Gute has done almost from the very beginning (but certainly since 2020) and studying this strategy and where it is leading. I'm stsrting to think that he's creating a model for team-building that may become the new gold standard for the entire league - the GM equivalent of Bill Walsh's West Coast Offense.

The more I see this guy work, the more I like him. I'm really excited about where this is going.