Quote Originally Posted by RashanGary View Post
I’m sorry. I was stressed out because my oldest son had a break up from his highschool girlfriend 6 months ago and there is some bullshit fallout. He’s always been confident and didn’t have to prove anything or act like an arrogant privileged white guy. He’s 21 years old and a year away from graduating with his bachelors with honors. It’s great. He’s doing well.

However, he’s working out and taking ridiculous gym pictures now. And coming off like he’s smarter than everyone and just generally being the insecure entitled white guy that his mom’s family breeds.

So I can’t reach him at all about just investing in relationships and happiness like I could before. He’s on a mission to prove something and I hate the suffering that goes with that. So I was frustrated that I couldn’t get through to him and I was super agitated. Additionally, my second son is debating between engineering fields or stating a business in a trade. So that’s a whole additional stress because I just hate to see my kids suffer and want him to make a good decision.

So anyway, I was feeling helpless and powerless to explain things and then this came up and I lost my shit.

I’m sorry.
Sounds like the glass is way more than half full.

My wife and I found that a really wierd age range for us. You look at them and you still see your little kids, but they're adults.

I started a lot of conversations with "ok, here is my unsolicited advice, but I'm going to support whatever you decide is best for you".