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Thread: FYI

  1. #1
    Shutdown Corner Rat HOFer Anti-Polar Bear's Avatar
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    To encourage jsonline's antagonists and politicians Tex, Lomboo, St. Lou, SFF (if he's still alive), the Pack, Viking Troll, among others to check out this forum, I have started a FYI thread, this one.

    First topic: The Dukes of Durham

    You all know the story and may not care but i will summarize it anyway. Duke University lacrosse team throws a party during spring break. Hires 2 strippers, one is black. People drink, get drunk, shit happens. Stripper accuses jocks of rape. Public outcry due to the nature of the case, which in the words of espn writer Greg Graber, symbolizes “the confluence of race, class, privilege and gender" on the Duke campus and Durham community as a whole.

    The politik questions: does the justice system unjustly favor white upper class Americans? Weeks have gone by; how come there hasn’t been any arrest yet? Say, the opposite occurred and instead of white jocks being accused of raping black woman, black jocks are accused of raping white woman, would an arrest have took place already? Is Duke conspiring to conceal the truth? Is the university doing enough to punish the players? What is the politik correctness amidst all this chaos?

    You may choose to debate or you may not. Its up to you.

    Or you need not care at all.

  2. #2
    Rat Starter Homer Jay's Avatar
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    The last I heard they were still waiting for dna results. Right now its a game of he said she said. In answer to the question, at the very least I would guess, Nancy Grace and Rita Crosby would be all over the authorities. If it happened I hope they catch those responsible and throw the book at them.
    Doughnuts, is there anything they can't do?

    Formerly known as Pack4ever

  3. #3
    OK, tank, I'm not an FYI type o' gal, but let's get this thing rolling.

    What pissed me off more than anything was that the Dukies were getting CREDIT for self-imposed punishment. That makes it less of an offense??

    The fact is, we are not dealing with a football or basketball program, so this is not a big "problem."

    The average D-I starting hoopster earns $1 million/year for his university...who do you think is going to be protected?

  4. #4
    Rat Starter Homer Jay's Avatar
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    You're not suggesting money and fame have anything to do with how a university might handle different situations. You Media Types are all the same. Always looking for a conspiracy. TSK TSK!!!
    Doughnuts, is there anything they can't do?

    Formerly known as Pack4ever

  5. #5
    Well, in all fairness, a true media type would say something like...

    "I'm not suggesting..."

    "We need to wait 'til the facts come out...."

    "We're trying to uncover the truth..."

    But other than that, you've got it figured out.

  6. #6
    Rat Starter Homer Jay's Avatar
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    So as I remember you are currently teaching some sort of media class. Is teaching your final destination or would you like to get into the journalism end of it. I suspect you could bring a unique perspective to it. Just curious.
    Doughnuts, is there anything they can't do?

    Formerly known as Pack4ever

  7. #7
    Ah, a man who listens!! Bless your heart.

    To answer your question (I hope), I will not be the journalist; rather, I will be the person who analyzes what it is that the journalist reports - and how, in turn, that reflects on society.

    Fun stuff, huh?

  8. #8
    Shutdown Corner Rat HOFer Anti-Polar Bear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pack4ever
    You're not suggesting money and fame have anything to do with how a university might handle different situations. You Media Types are all the same. Always looking for a conspiracy. TSK TSK!!!
    Pack, are you more of a lefty or a righty?

    I think FavreChild has a point. This wouldve been a bigger issue if it was on the basketball or football team. I don't think Duke wouldve forfeited any basketball games and take itself out of the NCAA tournament.

    Lacrosse? what kind of revenue does the sport generate? My guess is Duke would probably lose LESS money by not playing at all.

    Politically, i think if the opposite occurred (black jocks rape white woman), somebody wouldve been arrested already. I dont think the woman was not unconscious when when the alledge rape took peace. She couldve identified the 3 or 4 players whom she accuse of to police. But I think Police refuses to identify anyone individually, other than say that it may be some players from the team, because the players who may or may not did it to the woman are likely to come from affluent families, which means they can hired the top lawyers in the nation, which makes it difficult for the DA to arrest anyone for fear of counter law suits (false arrest, etc.). I think thats a privilege of the wealthy but also what makes the justice system erroneous.

  9. #9
    Shutdown Corner Rat HOFer Anti-Polar Bear's Avatar
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    Pack, were you or are you still a member of the jso forum? If so im just wondering who you are there?

  10. #10
    Rat Starter Homer Jay's Avatar
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    I lean a little to the left, but quite frankly, there are extremists on both sides that scare the hell out of me. I see little doubt that if it concerned Coach K's team that they would have still been playing. That's what I meant by fame and money. You have to wonder also what the difference would have been if it were black players and white dancers. Greed rears its ugly head everywhere.

    Yes I have and still do post on jso.
    Doughnuts, is there anything they can't do?

    Formerly known as Pack4ever

  11. #11
    Shutdown Corner Rat HOFer Anti-Polar Bear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pack4ever
    I lean a little to the left, but quite frankly, there are extremists on both sides that scare the hell out of me. I see little doubt that if it concerned Coach K's team that they would have still been playing. That's what I meant by fame and money. You have to wonder also what the difference would have been if it were black players and white dancers. Greed rears its ugly head everywhere.

    Yes I have and still do post on jso.
    I think we agree on the same thing.

    Let me guess, you are St. Lou aka Bat Pack over there, right?

  12. #12
    Rat Starter Homer Jay's Avatar
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    AAAAAHHHHHH!!! Wrong answer.
    Doughnuts, is there anything they can't do?

    Formerly known as Pack4ever

  13. #13
    Shutdown Corner Rat HOFer Anti-Polar Bear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pack4ever
    AAAAAHHHHHH!!! Wrong answer.
    Mind telling us who you are? One thing thing co-creator Harlan Huckleby hates most is people hiding behind different names.

  14. #14
    He just hates inconsistency. If pack4ever doesn't want to say, that's fine, but on this site, you can't flame a bunch of people and then go change your username to distance yourself from your words.

  15. #15
    Rat Starter Homer Jay's Avatar
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    No I don't mind telling you who I am on jso. I am bleedingcardinalandwhite. On CE I signed up tired and oopsed my name into bleedingbadgerandwhite. I changed my name simply because I was signing up for a packer site. Don't worry, without spell check I can't even spell hakker.
    Doughnuts, is there anything they can't do?

    Formerly known as Pack4ever

  16. #16
    Rat Starter Homer Jay's Avatar
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    To what to what ziggy said, it seems to me jso could clean things up with 2 simple rules. 1. No duplicate names. 2. No changing names. I think that would clean things up quickly and easily. Now, I promise, no more talk of jso.
    Doughnuts, is there anything they can't do?

    Formerly known as Pack4ever

  17. #17

    I agree w/ u, that is much of problem over there. But also, the moderator needs to delete accounts (and associated posts), not just ham-handedly delete threads when there are dust-ups. He doesn't want to take-on trouble-makers directly, since it is harder.

  18. #18
    Rat Starter Homer Jay's Avatar
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    Harlan, I think you're doing a great job here and there's no doubt you have to be willing to get your hands dirty to do it. I just think if jso took away the ability to take somebody else's name and post crap, and made you stay with one name that would be a big step forward for them.
    Again, great job and thanks.
    Doughnuts, is there anything they can't do?

    Formerly known as Pack4ever

  19. #19
    pack4ever, let me tell you with no false modesty that Madtown has been the local hero, he's been on a crystal meth binge for about 2 weeks, doing an incredible amount of work. The crash is coming, however.

  20. #20
    By the time he crashes, JSR will be all over the content.

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