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Thread: Basketball

  1. #1


    Everywhere I go the past couple days, I keep overhearing conversations about the NCAA tournament. People talk about how "their" teams are doing, probably 'cause they filled out a betting bracket.

    I don't remember this much chatter about the Super Bowl, other than as a party. And certainly the NBA championships are nothing in comparision.

    The SuperBowl and World Series get more media hype. But I think March Madness is the biggest sporting event of the year in terms of public interest.

  2. #2
    Senior Rat All-Pro jack's smirking revenge's Avatar
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    It's definitely possible. There are hundreds of Div1 schools all over the country, thus creating fans in pockets where the NBA and NFL can't reach. There's more grassroots and geographic support for college sports than professional. Thus, even though I don't watch or like basketball very much, I would support the position that it could be the biggest sporting event of the year for "the whole country".

    The Super Bowl, often one of the most boring games of the whole year, is an event that draws a great deal of viewers and participation all over the world, but even I only half-watched it this year--or at least made sure I was around for the commercials. It was probably a hit with people on either coast, but was virtually irrelevant for us in "flyover country" (please note the sarcasm).

    Receive thy new Possessor: One who brings
    A mind not to be chang'd by Place or Time.
    The mind is its own place, and in it self
    Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n.

    "Paradise Lost"-John Milton

  3. #3
    Over $1 billion is bet on the opening Thurs./Fri. games of the NCAA tourney. Just astounding. 64 teams = broad appeal and high % for upsets. The Final Four is NEVER chalk - I LOVE it!

    This year has yielded phenomenal Sweet 16 and Elite 8 games. Today's Florida/Nova contest was the only snoozer of the bunch. Get this - I've already locked up my main pool, and I did not even forecast one of the Final Four teams correctly. Not ONE!

    Especially compelling, of course, is the fact that we're watching STUDENT athletes (i.e. Adam Morrison's reaction to the UCLA loss on Thursday). The tourney still boasts a "pureness" quality.

  4. #4
    I caught the second half of GMU/UConn this afternoon. Talk about a nail-biter.

  5. #5
    Man, I missed that UConn game, and arrived just in time to see the bad Florida game. That's what comes from sleeping-in till 12:30 on a Sunday.

    The tall kid from Florida who thinks he's cool is pretty damn good. I love watching the fat boy from LSU, the new Charles Barkley.

    I didn't get into the tournament until late last weekend, from what I've seen, wish I had started watching earlier.

  6. #6
    On the "deserving" scale, I have to go with LSU to win it all. Man, their defense has just CRUSHED their opponents. And that's another reason to love the college game, now that I mention it -- actual DEFENSE!!!

    But any way you slice it, an "underdog" is gonna win the whole thing. No offense to the Bruins, but I hope it's not UCLA. I'll be interested to see the ratings now that all the #1 seeds are knocked out. Me, it doesn't break my heart that we won't see UConn/Duke in the final, but I wonder if America agrees...

  7. #7
    While I am not a fan of the Gators, Florida is really a good story this year. They've played consistently all season - yet under the radar since the SEC has been suspect this year - so they are also proving a lot of critics wrong. I think a lot of "bracketologists" were writing Florida off, especially after last year's choke.

    (Really, I can't believe that Bill Self isn't getting more heat from Kansas' second consecutive first-round choke.)

    But back on topic, Joakim Noah is pretty much the star of the tourney now.
    Which is definitely fine in comparison to Redick and Morrison, who have dominated the regular-season attention.

  8. #8
    Yes, I know I'm a college hoops nerd.

    Sorry 'bout that...

  9. #9
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    I caught the second half of GMU/UConn this afternoon. Talk about a nail-biter.
    That has been one of the best game and surely has to go down as one of the biggest upsets in recent tourney history. GMU had to beat UConn like 3X it seems. They where down 12 at one point then had UConn beat at the end of regulation but gave up a difficult layup at the buzzer. In the OT the played strong and pulled it out. They did this with UConn rotating huge players while GMU had the same guys on the floor nearly the whole game! Im sorry but LSU isnt even close to being as deserving as the GMU team. They entered as an at large bid and are the first #11 to get this far.

    1 round: beat #6 Mich St
    2 round: beat #3 North Carolina
    3 round: beat #7 Wichita St who took out #2 Tennesse
    4 round beat #1 UConn

    Last but not least they wear the almost the exact same colors as the Pack!!

    This is what makes the Tourney so exciting. I hope they win it all.

    Sidenote from an ESPN article:
    Online sports book opened George Mason at 400-to-1 and had one person make a $20 wager at those odds, according to Simon Noble, chief executive of the Web site. That $20 bet would be worth $8,000 if the Patriots go on to win the national title.

  10. #10
    Rat Starter Pack0514's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker

    Sidenote from an ESPN article:
    Online sports book opened George Mason at 400-to-1 and had one person make a $20 wager at those odds......
    I think someone should investigate their team.... nobody else in their right mind would have put money on them... even 20 bucks.

  11. #11
    So far, these semi final games are pretty dissappionting. GM never really was in the game against Florida. And no exciting individual performances on either side, that I saw. Noah's dad looked like he could play college basketball.

    Now UCLA looks to be dominant against young LSU guys.

    Too many friggin TV commercials.

  12. #12
    I was at a baseball game and missed GM-FL entirely.

  13. #13
    Senior Rat HOFer imscott72's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    I was at a baseball game and missed GM-FL entirely.
    I started watching the GM game but tuned away when the blowout was apparent. I'm not into the LSU/UCLA game at all for some reason. I'm watching the Bucks instead. I don't know, I guess I dont care who wins the Nat Champ now that GM is out.

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