Quote Originally Posted by HarveyWallbangers
Scientists can't even agree on global warning and its consequences. The industrial revolution was incredibly unfriendly to the environment (much worse than what is happening now), but was useful beyond belief. I have tremendous doubts whether whatever we do in this little snapshot of time in the grand scheme of things will have any lasting effect on anything. Technological advancements are coming at a rate that nobody could comprehend 50 years ago. When oil runs out (not necessarily pertinent to this discussion) we'll find a better and safer fuel source. Picture me not all that worried about what is going on, environmentally. The environmental groups are incredibly organized and powerful, so I'm impressed with that.

"Humans won't destroy the Earth. Humans will only destroy humans. The Earth will be here long after we are gone."
I'm in agreement with you about the industrial revolution, and the filth it created. I believe the planet is far cleaner than it was 100 years ago. People complain about cars, yet they all run cleaner than they used to. And people have forgotten what horses used to do to the environment. We no longer dump raw sewage into rivers.

We can do better, and environmentalist groups are helping us make continuous progress. But they tend to look like extremists with their dire predictions.