Quote Originally Posted by Joemailman
Obama has moved out to a huge lead in South Carolina in some recent polls.
Obama received 85% of the African American vote in Nevada. Half the democratic voters in SC are black. So it is probably no contest.

Ever since Obama looked viable (Iowa) the black vote has swung dramatically for Obama. (If you look at the graph on this page, the upward spike for Obama is Iowa: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epo...imary-234.html)

Although I am sympathetic to black people being excited about a real possibility of an African American president (or Halfrican American, as Rush Limbaugh says ) it is still offensive when people vote for a candidate strictly for ethnic reasons. Any time support goes about 60, 65% within a demographic group, issues or qualifications are being ignored.

Obama is in danger of becoming the candidate for black people. There will be resentment and a backlash if he is viewed this way. In fact, some have accused the Clinton camp of trying to subtley paint him this way.

In most remaining states, the Hispanic vote is far more important than the African American vote.