Quote Originally Posted by The Leaper
when you actually get a job...so why waste $75k on a four year education? An undergraduate degree that just gets your foot in the door for a first job should be half that cost. Putting everyone in hock because universities want to have building wars to see who can have the most lavish dorms and amenities is useless IMO.
There's more value to a college education than just a first job ticket. It makes a person more interested and interesting. I'd never have the drive to learn that I have now if I didn't get jump-started by college.

When you look at how expensive it is to hire professors and provide all those facilities, I can understand why college is expensive. I really don't think there is much cost-cutting to be done. If you want college costs to come down, you have to raise taxes and fund it at higher level.

Corporate excecutive salaries: I think it is silly to waste energy on executive salaries. It's a free market. Why should I care if they make a lot of money? And the amount of money that corporations pay on executive salaries is not significant compared to their other costs. The issue is strictly about envy.