Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker
Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket
You don't like it, then stay the fuck out the bar. Go to Applebee's.
You stupid ashmuncher, you dont get it. When this happens and it will, it will be just like in Cali and probably every other staste that has done this where owners of bars have to be forcing people to go outside. There is no way anyone is going to want to lose business because of someone wanting to smoke.

In fact am gonna laugh at your ass when it happens.

Deal with it hoe.

What don't I get? That California is a cesspool of confused and inept state and local government that claims to be forward thinking and liberal while legislating how exactly everyone should be liberal and forward thinking?

I support a ban for restaurants where the establishment is based on serving food. Not for bars and pubs however. You can make an argument that a family should be able to go out to eat at a restaurant without a whiff of smoke from the bar area, but everyone in a bar should be 21 or older and able to take responsibility for themselves.

Again, if there's such widespread support for this, then there would plenty of non-smoking bars out there already due to demand. Fact is it's the people who don't go to bars that are trying to regulate them. Like Harvey said, until it's illegal, stop treating it like it's a crime, or making it a crime in this case, to smoke.