View Poll Results: Who are you supporting in Wisconsin Primary?

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  • Voting for Clinton

    7 15.22%
  • Leaning to Clinton

    0 0%
  • Voting For Obama

    13 28.26%
  • Leaning to Obama

    3 6.52%
  • Voting for McCain

    12 26.09%
  • Leaning to McCain

    1 2.17%
  • Voting for Huckabee

    2 4.35%
  • Leaning to Huckabee

    2 4.35%
  • Voting for Paul

    3 6.52%
  • Leaning to Paul

    1 2.17%
  • Other

    2 4.35%
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Thread: Wisconsin Primary

  1. #21
    I believe you packinpatland, I certainly respect those truly in the middle.

    Ziggy, I seriously doubt that registering is gonna get you a lot of harassment. They don't bug me, of course I don't give them any money, and I breathe heavily into the phone when they do call.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    I believe you packinpatland, I certainly respect those truly in the middle.

    Ziggy, I seriously doubt that registering is gonna get you a lot of harassment. They don't bug me, of course I don't give them any money, and I breathe heavily into the phone when they do call.
    There's a contentious state race going on here and I'm getting tons of calls and junk mail for my ex, but none for me and if they don't stop sniping at each other and tell me where they freakin' stand on the issues, I'm not voting for either one of 'em. That breathing heavy thing would be cool except that a lot of the calls I'm getting these days are computer generated. Bastards.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  3. #23
    Hucklebee won both the Kansas caucus and Louisiana primary.

    he's a plucky little preacher. I don't think he is a contender, but what an impressive string he's put together.

  4. #24
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by packinpatland
    "Very few people truly have no stronger affinity for one party or the other."

    I have no affinity for one party or the other.
    Two-party politics' stranglehold on America will come to an end in the next 25 years. People are finally speaking up against it and the rest will fall in order. While I still think Democrats and Republicans will be the core of the country, it will become possible for a 3rd party candidate to win the election.
    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

  5. #25
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    Hucklebee won both the Kansas caucus and Louisiana primary.

    he's a plucky little preacher. I don't think he is a contender, but what an impressive string he's put together.
    He'll end up on the ticket with McCain because he's proved he can win the South and John cannot.

    I like Huckabee as a person. Good talker, good with people, I like his attitude. However, I'm totally not in line with him on the issues. Religion plays way too much into his shtick and religion does not belong in politics. Sure, it will always be a factor, but Huckabee is succeeding because of his religion and his beliefs because of his religion, not because of his stance on the issues.
    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by BallHawk
    Quote Originally Posted by packinpatland
    "Very few people truly have no stronger affinity for one party or the other."

    I have no affinity for one party or the other.
    Two-party politics' stranglehold on America will come to an end in the next 25 years. People are finally speaking up against it and the rest will fall in order. While I still think Democrats and Republicans will be the core of the country, it will become possible for a 3rd party candidate to win the election.
    how will a 3rd party get a toehold? People have been speaking against the two parties forever. There was more third party talk back when Wallace ran in 70's than in more recent times.

    Its gonna take run-off elections (winner must win majority) to get there from here. I'm not sure how we do that. I know there are reform movements, but how do you get congress to act when it is against their interests?

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by BallHawk
    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    Hucklebee won both the Kansas caucus and Louisiana primary.

    he's a plucky little preacher. I don't think he is a contender, but what an impressive string he's put together.
    He'll end up on the ticket with McCain because he's proved he can win the South and John cannot.

    I like Huckabee as a person. Good talker, good with people, I like his attitude. However, I'm totally not in line with him on the issues. Religion plays way too much into his shtick and religion does not belong in politics. Sure, it will always be a factor, but Huckabee is succeeding because of his religion and his beliefs because of his religion, not because of his stance on the issues.
    I'm willing to bet Huckabee won't be a vip.

    Don't go against tyrone. Tyrone was first on this board to spot the Huckabee threat. Tyrone was the first to note how unappealing Giuliani was..despite many who thought ty was an idiot..not that i'm not, but not on this one.

    Having Huck ain't gonna bring the anti mccain conservatives on board. Ain't gonna change those dobson clones. And, those southern states are don't add a vp who can't help you win blue/red states...minny, penn, etc.

    VP has to have the right profile for veep: loyal, hardworking, knows when to keep his mouth shut. Sound like

    McCain needs someone with strong econ/biz background.
    Candidates: tom ridge..longtime friend, strong domestic policy. Negatives...soft support for abortion rights and skeptic of big weapons systems.

    Graham, old fav, who is probably out of it because he faces a tough primary re-election, since he has become too moderate for his party's right wing.

    Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty., a moderate conservation and energy-reform Republican, who is the darling of the conservative press.

    Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar..tho two 70 year olds seems unlikely.

    don't rule out condi or even mitt.

  8. #28
    Postal Rat HOFer Joemailman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    Hucklebee won both the Kansas caucus and Louisiana primary.

    he's a plucky little preacher. I don't think he is a contender, but what an impressive string he's put together.
    Huckabee has killed McCain in the south. I'm wondering if the combination of increased Dem participation in southern primaries, and McCain's unpopularity there, could mean that some formerly "safe" Republican states will be in play this year. Probably not states like Mississippi or Alabama, but maybe Virginia or Louisiana.

    By the way Harlan, you spelled Huckabee as Hucklebee. A Freudian slip?
    Ring the bells that still can ring
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    That's how the light gets in - Leonard Cohen

  9. #29
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by packinpatland
    "Very few people truly have no stronger affinity for one party or the other."

    I have no affinity for one party or the other.
    That's probably why they don't want you determining who represents said party. If you aren't French you don't get to determine the president of France. If you aren't a Democrat or Republican, why should you get to choose who represents Democrats or Republicans?
    "You're all very smart, and I'm very dumb." - Partial

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns

    Having Huck ain't gonna bring the anti mccain conservatives on board. Ain't gonna change those dobson clones. And, those southern states are don't add a vp who can't help you win blue/red states...minny, penn, etc.
    I think you're right. The governor of Florida that endorsed McCain probably is near top of list.
    Huckabee would be a decent choice for VP, but his appeal is in states where th GOP is already solid.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    don't rule out condi or even mitt.
    I don't see Mitt in politics anymore. Guy became the punchline to too many jokes. And the support he did have had the whiff of desperation to it - conservative people sorta kinda counted him as the only old school conserative available. Condi is possibile.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Joemailman
    By the way Harlan, you spelled Huckabee as Hucklebee. A Freudian slip?
    ya, I started to see a lot of myself in Huckabee when I heard that he cooked squirrel in a popcorn popper.

  12. #32
    I wonder how many will vote for Obama just to piss of Harlan.

  13. #33
    I wonder how many will vote for Obama just to piss of Harlan.

  14. #34
    well, you voted twice. but your vote was predictable.

  15. #35
    I can't vote in Wisconsin.

  16. #36
    I will vote for Obama so Hill doesn't win WI. I am a conervative who is lukewarm on McCain but I don't hate him as many do. In regards to VP nominees for McCain, I wouldn't mind Joe Leiberman but really don't think that will happen, Huckaby would be very strong in the south as would Fred Thompson, Mitt won't be it imo cause he doesn't play well in the south either. McCain will have to pick a conservative who can play well in Ohio, pennsylvania and Missouri. Those three states along with an obvious state in Florida, will be the key states again.
    Pass Jessica's Law and keep the predators behind bars for 25 years minimum. Vote out liberal, SP judges. Enforce all immigrant laws!

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by b bulldog
    I will vote for Obama so Hill doesn't win WI. I am a conervative who is lukewarm on McCain but I don't hate him as many do.
    Aren't open primaries swell?

    There is only one thing dumber than an open primary, and that's a caucus.

    In caucuses, you only get about 10 to 25% participation of the party members. Obama has won 14 out of 15 caucuses because of the passion of his followers, and his superior money and organization. Similarly, Ron Paul would do disproportionately well in caucuses if he just had enough support to meet thresholds. Oh ya, thresholds, another undemocratic thing about caucuses.

    Caucuses are bullshit, pure and simple. They are designed to put the wishes of the party faithful, the intelligensia, above that of the unwashed masses, much like the electoral college. Hogwash - just have a damn, transparent primary election where you can see exactly who the people support. Busy people who are not political junkies count too.

  18. #38
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    I think you're right. The governor of Florida that endorsed McCain probably is near top of list.
    I doubt Crist would be chosen. McCain needs somebody that will excel where McCain does not. Charlie Crist has, IMO, done a great job so far as our governor, and I like him as a person. However, he doesn't bring anything to the table that McCain already has. Crist isn't as conservative as Huckabee, nor many other candidates for the VP spot.
    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by BallHawk
    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    I think you're right. The governor of Florida that endorsed McCain probably is near top of list.
    I doubt Crist would be chosen. McCain needs somebody that will excel where McCain does not. Charlie Crist has, IMO, done a great job so far as our governor, and I like him as a person. However, he doesn't bring anything to the table that McCain already has. Crist isn't as conservative as Huckabee, nor many other candidates for the VP spot.
    All he has to do is help McCain win Florida, and he has done more than ANY VP has done for the ticket in 48 years.

  20. #40
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    Quote Originally Posted by BallHawk
    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    I think you're right. The governor of Florida that endorsed McCain probably is near top of list.
    I doubt Crist would be chosen. McCain needs somebody that will excel where McCain does not. Charlie Crist has, IMO, done a great job so far as our governor, and I like him as a person. However, he doesn't bring anything to the table that McCain already has. Crist isn't as conservative as Huckabee, nor many other candidates for the VP spot.
    All he has to do is help McCain win Florida, and he has done more than ANY VP has done for the ticket in 48 years.
    Good point.
    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

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