Quote Originally Posted by Freak Out
Quote Originally Posted by Joemailman
Quote Originally Posted by Partial
Hopefully Mr. Obama realizes that universal health care is a terrible idea and invests all that money into becoming energy independent in the form of phat cash rewards for innovation in the field.
Yes, what a travesty it would be if every American could afford to go to the doctor when they get sick.

Increasing energy independence will be one of the big issues in the general election campaign. It will be hard for either candidate to win without making a commitment to it.
Hey you commie fucks! They can always go to the ER! Nothing like good reactive health care. That proactive shit is for the birds and would only save us money in the long run.
You ever been to the ER? I have. I enjoyed wailing in pain for two hours as a kidney stone the size of a golfball refused to pass.

Only when Tyrone started sweating profusely, turned an odd shade of gray, and started rocking like a developmentally challenged infant did i see some help.

But, i'm sure little john john with his earache was more deserving.