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Thread: Deputy Nutz - Jeremiah Wright connection

  1. #141
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    Stop the presses! I just heard Obama's tailor say that he hates America.

  2. #142
    The mail-in idea would have been a fiasco. Can you just imagine the abuses that could/would occur?

  3. #143
    Senior Rat HOFer the_idle_threat's Avatar
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    I can't say I hate America, exactly, but I will say that "A Horse With No Name" is an annoying song with really stupid lyrics.

  4. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by the_idle_threat
    I can't say I hate America, exactly, but I will say that "A Horse With No Name" is an annoying song with really stupid lyrics.
    You make a compelling argument.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  5. #145
    Uff Da Rat HOFer swede's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    Quote Originally Posted by the_idle_threat
    I can't say I hate America, exactly, but I will say that "A Horse With No Name" is an annoying song with really stupid lyrics.
    You make a compelling argument.
    ...for their ain't anyone for to give you no pain...
    [QUOTE=George Cumby] ...every draft (Ted) would pick a solid, dependable, smart, athletically limited linebacker...the guy who isn't doing drugs, going to strip bars, knocking around his girlfriend or making any plays of game changing significance.

  6. #146
    In the desert you can remember your name
    cause there aint no one for to give you no pain

  7. #147
    Senior Rat HOFer the_idle_threat's Avatar
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    The heat was hot ...

    It's like they let a four year old write some of the lyrics.

  8. #148
    The message from the left-leaning columns today is that people who don't vote for Obama are racists. I guess this will be their strategy to blunt the Jeremiah Wright effect.

    The horrible crime that Clinton committed recently was saying that she had the solid support of working class whites. If someone were to say that Obama has 93% support among African-Americans would that be racist? Columnists have been taunting Clinton for months, saying that black voters have turned away from her - was that racist?

    I think John McCain is the strongest candidate the Republicans could possibly field. And that's even considering the fact that he is too old. Its a Democratic year, and McCain uniquely has some support among moderate democrats & independents. Still, I don't know if any heir to King George has a chance next fall.

    Obama is completely unpredictable as a candidate.

    All I know for sure is that the Dem party has been taken-over by a very self-assured and vindictive bunch. I dearly hope that Obama can be defeated, the Huffington Post Democrats who are now (apparently) the majority of the Democrat party are not balanced people in my view. I guess an extreme reaction to the Bush years is inevitable.

  9. #149
    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    The message from the left-leaning columns today is that people who don't vote for Obama are racists. I guess this will be their strategy to blunt the Jeremiah Wright effect.

    The horrible crime that Clinton committed recently was saying that she had the solid support of working class whites. If someone were to say that Obama has 93% support among African-Americans would that be racist? Columnists have been taunting Clinton for months, saying that black voters have turned away from her - was that racist?
    Your analogy doesn't quite work. Hillary was clearly insinuating that Obama is unelectable because black, and thus she's appealing to (or trying to benefit from) the politics of exclusion based on race. Obama's doing nothing of the sort; at the very worst his supporters are supporting him because he's "black," which is very different from saying "I won't vote for X because he's white/black/yellow".

    I don't quite get your insistence on portraying Obama supporters as crazed, vindictive extremists. There may be some of those among his followers, but I can't see how you make the leap to characterizing the entire "movement" in those terms. It seems to me that your allergy to Obama is every bit as reactive as the portrait you try to paint of the average Obama supporter. Are you doing exactly what you accuse them of?

  10. #150
    Quote Originally Posted by hoosier
    Your analogy doesn't quite work. Hillary was clearly insinuating that Obama is unelectable because black, and thus she's appealing to (or trying to benefit from) the politics of exclusion based on race.
    Horse hockey. She didn't insinuate anything, she stated plainly that she has the solid support of the white working class. It's you and Bob Hebert that have made the leap to suggest that this white middle class supports Obama weakly because they are racist.

    The only suggestion she makes is that she is more electible than Obama. NOTHING wrong with that.

    Lets suppose for sake of discussion that she is deliberately advocating that a black man is unelectable. How effective would that be? Do you think the voters or SuperDelegates are going to have a sudden ?

    When Obamatics incessently repeat that Clinton is unelectable because black people will dessert the party, did Bob Hebert get uncomfortable? Why is it a "race card" only when race is mentioned in one context?

    This is reminiscent of Clinton's "as far as I know" comment. Just like the "white working class" remark, it would have gone unnoticed had the attack dogs not parsed it carefully and amplified it a million times. The notion that the first remark was intended to stir-up talk of Obama being a muslim, or this latest remark might foment racist paranoia, is malicious & ludicrous.

    Quote Originally Posted by hoosier
    Obama's doing nothing of the sort; at the very worst his supporters are supporting him because he's "black," which is very different from saying "I won't vote for X because he's white/black/yellow".
    The only time Obama stepped over the line is when he called Clinton's remarks about Johnson-MLK "disturbing." He retracted a couple days later, stategically.

    It's laughable when blacks & liberals say, "can we talk openly about race, can we have an honest conversation?" Then when anybody actually mentions race, if they are white they are accused of being a racist!

    I accept Obama as a racial healer, and suspect his politics are not extreme. And I took his race speech as sincere and wise - although not so impressive as it relates to Jeremiah the Bullfrog.

    Quote Originally Posted by hoosier
    I don't quite get your insistence on portraying Obama supporters as crazed, vindictive extremists. There may be some of those among his followers
    Well, you are right to call me on this stereotyping. Certainly you & Joemailman and other Obama supporters in this forum are perfectly civil. Red goes a little nutty now and then, but he's just a infant learning the ways of the world, he's expected to spit up his food now and then.

    Quote Originally Posted by hoosier
    but I can't see how you make the leap to characterizing the entire "movement" in those terms.
    There is a very unpleasant far left in this country. And they might be perfectly lovable as individuals in their daily lives, but they have this manichean worldview, which means attacking Dem moderates or Republicans is like killing poisonous snakes. Anything goes. And they have grafted onto the OBama movement.

    Quote Originally Posted by hoosier
    It seems to me that your allergy to Obama is every bit as reactive as the portrait you try to paint of the average Obama supporter. Are you doing exactly what you accuse them of?
    I actually don't have a strong allergy to Obama. It is the character of his followers I have a problem with. I call them vindictive and absolutist because that is how they express themselves. Check out Frank Rich, Maureen Dowd, Bob Hebert at NY Times. And those are the genteel ones. Mailman's buddies at are a little scruffier. The certifiable types are at dailykos.

  11. #151
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_idle_threat
    It's like they let a four year old write some of the lyrics.
    Four year olds have a much more transparent view of life than most adults. Just because they're young doesn't mean they're idiots. It just means they haven't been as mentally damaged as people like Partial.
    "You're all very smart, and I'm very dumb." - Partial

  12. #152
    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    Quote Originally Posted by hoosier
    Your analogy doesn't quite work. Hillary was clearly insinuating that Obama is unelectable because black, and thus she's appealing to (or trying to benefit from) the politics of exclusion based on race.
    Horse hockey. She didn't insinuate anything, she stated plainly that she has the solid support of the white working class. It's you and Bob Hebert that have made the leap to suggest that this white middle class supports Obama weakly because they are racist.
    I accept your point that Herbert goes too far in his column today. He implies that Hillary is unequivocally catering to the worst motivations of white voters, and particulary the remaining uncommitted SDs. But I'm not entirely convinced by the counterargument that she couldn't be insinuating anything because, if she were, the SDs would see right through it and--boom--she'd be even worse off. I think her statement has a degree of ambiguity that neither Herbert nor you nor that guy who wrote that Slate piece today are willing to admit.

    Please understand my point: I'm not making any claim to understand why white Democrats support Clinton over Obama. I don't think Herbert is saying anything about that either. What I am saying is that, whether she meant to or not, Clinton's comments touch on the fear that Obama can't win the general because he's "black." Yes, she stated plainly who her supporters are, but you and I both know that there's no such thing as a "plain statement" in politics and mass media today. Everything has a subtext or three, and some are better than others at using those subtexts, and some seem to be caught unawares by the subtexts from time to time. OK. It's been a long day, Hillary's tired, I can certainly accept that she didn't intend to do anything more than talk up her supporters.

  13. #153
    Senior Rat HOFer the_idle_threat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket
    Quote Originally Posted by the_idle_threat
    It's like they let a four year old write some of the lyrics.
    Four year olds have a much more transparent view of life than most adults. Just because they're young doesn't mean they're idiots. It just means they haven't been as mentally damaged as people like Partial.

  14. #154
    Down Goes Obama!
    Down Goes Obama!

    That scrappy Hillary Clinton scores another impressive victory, this time in coal mining country, West Virginia.

    (I heard on the Rush Limbaugh show that CNN was scrolling "Only 16% of West Virginians have education beyond high school" when reporting election results. I think maybe the media likes Obama.)

  15. #155
    Postal Rat HOFer Joemailman's Avatar
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    MSNBC has had Huckabee on tonight. If he doesn't end up in politics, he may have a future on television or radio. Reminds me a little of Michael Smerconish.
    Ring the bells that still can ring
    Forget your perfect offering
    There is a crack, a crack in everything
    That's how the light gets in - Leonard Cohen

  16. #156
    If nothing else, he could do a cooking show.

  17. #157
    This continues to shape up as the best of all worlds.

    Hillary is doing well enough that she has a legitimate claim to being right to stay in the race. And Obama is clinging to his lead to the extent that he is a pretty sure bet to get the nomination.

    While it is wonderful to have the chaos continue a few more weeks, maybe all the way to and through Democrat convention, clearly, Obama is the easier of the two to defeat in November. One needs only to examine the electoral map to realize that.

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