The message from the left-leaning columns today is that people who don't vote for Obama are racists. I guess this will be their strategy to blunt the Jeremiah Wright effect.

The horrible crime that Clinton committed recently was saying that she had the solid support of working class whites. If someone were to say that Obama has 93% support among African-Americans would that be racist? Columnists have been taunting Clinton for months, saying that black voters have turned away from her - was that racist?

I think John McCain is the strongest candidate the Republicans could possibly field. And that's even considering the fact that he is too old. Its a Democratic year, and McCain uniquely has some support among moderate democrats & independents. Still, I don't know if any heir to King George has a chance next fall.

Obama is completely unpredictable as a candidate.

All I know for sure is that the Dem party has been taken-over by a very self-assured and vindictive bunch. I dearly hope that Obama can be defeated, the Huffington Post Democrats who are now (apparently) the majority of the Democrat party are not balanced people in my view. I guess an extreme reaction to the Bush years is inevitable.