Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead
Quote Originally Posted by Freak Out
I have to say I was surprised to see all the hate thrown at the two old ladies that tied the knot yesterday in California. I know the anti gay crowd can be a violent hateful bunch but going after the old gals was pretty low.
No doubt, the religious right is damaging to the conservative movement when they act like this. I can think of no reason gays shouldn't have similar legal rights to heteros, but I can understand people not wanting to redifine a word to satisfy the gay lobby. Man, just grant civil unions and be done with it.
Tex, notably silent today...wonder if he was in Cali pelting the gays with rotten fruit.
Maybe some of ya'all haven't noticed, but Fantasy Football has started up on Yahoo. Drafting has cut into my forum posting time. Also, when I checked into things early this morning, there wasn't much of interest that needed commenting on.

That's the way I would characterize this gay marriage thing. Obviously I'm not in favor of it, but it's hardly a life and death matter--way down the list of issues when it comes to importance.