Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
the criminals' (don't argue, it's what they were) rights ended when they crossed Mr. Horn's property line. And if they were Columbian crime ring members, I gotta believe that they don't look like Partial and his buddies trying to scam some beer outta your garage
So are you saying it would be wrong to shoot Partial when he was stealing beer out of the garage?

Is your point that it is up to the shotgun holder to judge the character of the people he is about to waste before he pulls the trigger?

I say if it is OK to shoot the Columbians, then Partial ought to be executed too. Its impossible to judge a person in the middle of an apparent crime, well, other than to take note of the basics like their age, size, and race.
I'm saying that it is rather easy to distinguish Partial (sorry, dude) from a member of a Columbian crime ring. I can guarantee you the Columbian will act with more purpose, confidence and in likely a more aggressive manner. If Partial is stealing beer and then comes into my yard approaching me, then it's my call and he's an idiot for not listening to someone with a shotgun telling him to freeze.