Where do I start? At one time or another I have benn involved in and with so many different investments. I'll breakup my remarks in "topics" in different replies.

Sideline businesses

I looked for weekend and night things that would be highly lucrative for the hours spent.

My first venutres into business were sidelines to make money above and beyond what I earned in hourly wages while in college. The first was salvaging recyclable materials out of buildings that were being torn down. This works well in small towns where owners will let you in free to pull out what ever you can. I was given a window of 3 or 4 days, usually, to take out whatever I could. Hacksaws, chainsaws and sledge hammers were my tools! Brutally hard work, but paid well for the hours spent. You need a buyer, but I hauled tons and tons of cast iron radiators, copper plumbing, etc to salvage yards.

Now there is a great market for recycled wood floors, woodwork,etc. But KNOW YOUR BUYER before you start. I never stored the stuff, just hauled it from the site to the guy who bought it from me.

My point in telling this story is that there are a lot of sort of odd ball things you can do in your spare time that can be quite lucrative. If the investment of money is small, and what is needed mostly is your time, TAKE A CHANCE! What is there to lose?