Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead
Quote Originally Posted by BallHawk
Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead
Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead
obviously the guns fault, not that of bad parenting or foolishly leaving your gun where your pissed off 12 year old could get at it.
It's redundant to say bad parenting...they had a gun in the house.
Of course they did, how would one protect his family if there were no guns in the house? Now a gun where the child can get at....and the ammo as well, that is bad parenting.
The kid's 12, not 5, I'm sure he could get past any hiding place the parents could put it. I mean, sure, they could lock it up in a safe, but then when somebody comes to rob their neighbor's house it'd take too long to get the gun out and shoot 'em in the back. Speed is everything.
First off a combination trigger lock takes about 8 seconds to remove IF you know the combo...second I always keep my clip somewhere else. Could a child who is undisciplined enough to snoop around my room find it, probably, but if said kid was snooping in my room he would get distracted by my porn collection and forget about guns.
My brother did some research on gun ownership while in medical school. Your chance of getting shot during your lifetime goes up around 10,000% if you own a gun. Still less than .1% chance.

Just watch out if you are anywhere near Dick Cheney.