Quote Originally Posted by LL2
Quote Originally Posted by packinpatland
Please...........I hardly think that's what he meant.
Maybe not...but the Dems and the media would have a quite a day with it if McCain said anything about lipstick on a pig...and many would think they were referring to Hilary.
The Dems would. But in the end it won't mean much. Just like the lipstick jab at Palin. Ultimately, it's just a jab - and it is a play off her most memorabl line from the convention. It was a good comeback. The Dems are going to give her hell and she has to take it and dish it back. It's going to be a battle. Plus, let's be honest about the actual jab - 'lipstick on a pig' isn't calling the person a pig - it's a general comment about someone's political appeal, and how you can't pretty it up with lipstick. Next.