Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand
Quote Originally Posted by LL2
Quote Originally Posted by packinpatland
Please...........I hardly think that's what he meant.
Maybe not...but the Dems and the media would have a quite a day with it if McCain said anything about lipstick on a pig...and many would think they were referring to Hilary.
The Dems would. But in the end it won't mean much. Just like the lipstick jab at Palin. Ultimately, it's just a jab - and it is a play off her most memorabl line from the convention. It was a good comeback. The Dems are going to give her hell and she has to take it and dish it back. It's going to be a battle. Plus, let's be honest about the actual jab - 'lipstick on a pig' isn't calling the person a pig - it's a general comment about someone's political appeal, and how you can't pretty it up with lipstick. Next.
I take back (at least partially) what I said in the other thread about hypocrisy. Mraynrand may well be the poster with whom I disagree most in here on political issues, but his intellectual honesty is unquestionable.