Quote Originally Posted by Tarlam!
Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
Quote Originally Posted by LL2
Quote Originally Posted by Tarlam!
The World is watching very closely. The good news is, the World is in a Win/Win situation. Both candidates are light years better than Dubbya. So, the World gets improvement, no matter who you'all elect.
Tarlam...does the U.S. political scene get coverage in the press (print and TV media) in Europe and England? What are they saying about Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin?
That's a good question. Tarlam, I know you have said in the past that Dem/lib candidates get a lot more positive media coverage. Obviously, they would be fascinated by Barak Obama. But with the Palin factor now in play, are most Europeans--media as well as regular people--star-struck with her? Or negative about her because of her generally conservative/pro-American attitude? Or something else altogether?
Absolutely! The extent of the coverage obviously plays out to how much local news there is. But, the US election is world news topic #1. I've lived in Australia and Europe and both parts of the world are totally tuned into the US Presidential Elections.

The interesting thing for me is, the world has no bias towards your elections. The press reall call it as they see it.

Palin has really changed the dynmics of the election. Many Euros are concerned by McCains age. He is one vintage dude. Palin coming in as his backstop has really helped his image in many Euo minds.
Probably because Euro's have seen a hottie lead a country since Margaret Thatcher.