IMO, the biggest gaffe so far has been Biden PUBLICALLY ADMITING that Clinton would've been a better choice as a VP by Obama.

All McCain has to do is play that over and over again between now and November, and the election is his. You can't have your VP publically say he was not the best choice...and have any hope of convincing voters that you deserve the presidency.

Biden = dumbass
Obama = bigger dumbass for choosing him

Obama would have the White House locked up right now if his ego wasn't so monstrous that he could have selected Clinton as his VP.

That is precisely how Ronald Reagan won in 1980...hard fought primary with Bush Sr. but took him as a running mate. Two landslide elections later, Reagan clearly made the smart choice.

Obama? Not so smart. Why do I want a dumbass like that running the nation? I thought we were looking for a CHANGE from the current dumbass. Guess not. You can put lipstick on a pig...but it is still a dumbass pig.