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Thread: You know you're from [insert state name here] when........

  1. #1
    Naked Mole Rat HOFer Iron Mike's Avatar
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    Fond du Lac, WI

    You know you're from [insert state name here] when........

    Here's the Wisconsin one:

    You know you're from Wisconsin when:

    You've never met any celebrities.

    Your idea of a traffic jam is 10 cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway.

    "Vacation" means playing miniature golf at the Dells.

    You've seen all the biggest bands 10 years after they were popular.

    You know what's knee-high by the Fourth of July.

    You ask for a "bubbler" when you're thirsty.

    A clean bowling shirt is appropriate attire for a wedding.

    You see a car running in the parking lot at the store with no one in it, no matter what time of the year.

    You end your sentences with an unnecessary preposition. Example: Where's my coat at?" or "If you go to town, I wanna go with."

    All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain or animal.

    You install security lights on your house and garage and then leave both unlocked.

    You think of the major four food groups as cheese, beer, brats and Jell-O salad with marshmallows.

    You carry jumper cables in your car.

    You own just three spices: salt, pepper and ketchup.

    You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.

    Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow

    You know which leaves make good toilet paper.

    You find -20 degrees F "a little chilly."

    You know all four seasons: Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter and Construction.

    Your idea of creative landscaping is a statue of a deer next to your blue spruce.

  2. #2
    Naked Mole Rat HOFer Iron Mike's Avatar
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    Fond du Lac, WI

    Re: You know you're from [insert state name here] when......

    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Mike
    Here's the Wisconsin one:

    You know you're from Wisconsin when:

    Your idea of creative landscaping is a statue of a deer next to your blue spruce.
    That's incorrect--creative landscaping is a "Bathtub Mary"

    I forgot--feel free to google your own state!!!

  3. #3
    Redneck Rat HOFer Little Whiskey's Avatar
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    Over There
    you know your from Illinios when:

    going up north means you have to cross a state line.

    you know your from MI when:

    going up north means you can use your rifle.

  4. #4
    Naked Mole Rat HOFer Iron Mike's Avatar
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    Fond du Lac, WI
    Quote Originally Posted by Little Whiskey
    You know you're from MI when:
    Ach!! Here's the Michigan one:


    1.) You show people where you are from by pointing to a spot on the back of your left hand.
    2.) You've never met any celebrities.
    3.) "Vacation" means going to Cedar Point.
    4.) At least one member of your family disowns you the week of the Michigan / Michigan State game.
    5.) Half the change in your pocket is
    6.) You drive 86 mph on the highway and pass on the right.
    7.) Your idea of a traffic jam is 40 cars waiting to pass an orange barrel.
    8.) You know how to play (and pronounced) Euchre.
    9.) It's easy to get Vernor's ginger ale, Better Made chips, Sanders hot fudge sauce, and Faygo pop.
    10.) You know how to pronounce "Mackinac."
    11.) You've had to switch on the heat and the air conditioning in the same day.
    12.) You bake with SODA and drink POP.
    13.) The movie "Escanaba in Da Moonlight" wasn't funny. You consider it a documentary.
    14.) Your little league game was snowed out.
    15.) The word "thumb" has geographical rather than anatomical significance.
    16.) Traveling coast-to-coast means driving from Port Huron to Muskegon.
    17.) You measure distance in minutes.
    18.) When giving directions, you refer to "A Michigan Left."
    19.) You know that Kalamazoo not only exists, but isn't far from Hell.
    20.) Your year has two seasons: Winter and Construction.
    21.) Home Depot on any Saturday is busier than toy stores at Christmas.
    22.) You know when it has rained because of the smell of worms.
    23.) When owning a Japanese car was a hangin' offense in your hometown.
    24.) You believe that "down south" means Toledo.
    25.) Your idea of a seven-course meal is a six-pack of Stroh's and a bucket of smelt.
    26.) You know that Big Mac is something that you drive over.
    27.) You can see a car running in a parking lot with no one in it, no matter what time of the year.
    28.) You end your sentences with a preposition; example: "Where's my coat at?"
    29.) All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, or animal.
    30.) You think of the four major food groups as beef, pork, BBQ sauce, and beer.
    31.) You carry jumper cables and snow chains in your trunk.
    32.) You design your kids' Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.
    33.) Driving in the winter is better because the pot-holes are filled with snow.
    34.) Your favorite holidays are Christmas,Thanksgiving, and the opening of Deer Season, which you consider a National Holiday.
    35.) You have 10 favorite recipes for venison.
    36.) You learned to drive a boat before you could ride a bike.
    37.) You owe more money on your snowmobile than your car.
    38.) Your snowblower has more miles on it than your car.
    39.) Shoveling the driveway constitutes a great upper body workout.
    40.) You attend a formal event in your best clothing, finest jewelry, and snowmobile boots.
    41.) The municipality buys a zamboni before a bus.
    42.) You have experienced frostbite and sunburn in the same week.
    43.) You define summer as three months of bad sledding.
    44.) You think Alkaline batteries were named for a Tiger outfielder.
    45.) You can Identify an Ohio accent.
    46.) You know someone from Porch Yearn.
    47.) Half the people you know say they are from Detroit yet you don't personally know anyone that actually lives in Detroit.
    48.) The Big Mac Is something you drive across.
    49.) You know what a "pastie" is.
    50.) You have any idea who Bob Ufer was.
    51.) Your snowmobile and fishing boat have big block Chevy engines

  5. #5
    Redneck Rat HOFer Little Whiskey's Avatar
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    Over There

  6. #6
    Redneck Rat HOFer Little Whiskey's Avatar
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    Over There
    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Mike
    Quote Originally Posted by Little Whiskey
    You know you're from MI when:
    Ach!! Here's the Michigan one:


    you consider 12" of lake effect flurries.

    UP is a place not a direction.

    enjoy watching foriegners attempt a "Michigan Left"

    think FIBS are from Indiana

  7. #7
    Naked Mole Rat HOFer Iron Mike's Avatar
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    Fond du Lac, WI
    Here's one for the PackerRats from Yoopsconsin:

    You know you're a Yooper when............

    You use the Yooper Rule of Apostrophes: dinty = didn't he; shounta = shouldn't have; and wounta = wouldn't have.
    The word "Eh" seems to find its way onto the end of every sentence.
    You leave you beers outsite to get cold.
    You break something and then fix it with duct tape.
    You refer to downtown Iron Mountain as a classic example of urban decay.
    You drive to Traverse City to tan on the beaches.
    Your bitter family feud comes to a head over the annual Lions-Packers game.
    You've ever had a snowday after Mother's Day.
    Your county spends more time and money on the snowmobile trails than they do the state highways.
    More businesses close in the summer than in the winter due to the season.
    You include Wisconsin in "the deep South".
    The back door to your camp is a fridge door. Bonus points if you stock that fridge.
    You've been to Holiday and ShopKo more times than you care to count, but you've never been to Dunkin Donuts or a 7-11.
    The cops have ever pulled you over on a snowmobile.
    The police backup in a high speed chase is the DNR.
    You only get channels 6 and 13, and you don't mind.
    Your camp lacks indoor plumbing and electricity because it's not necessary, but has a stockpile of beer and pork rinds.
    You run outside barefoot to check the mail - in February - and don't notice the cold.
    "Jumping the border" means a beer run to Hurley.
    Your class valedictorian is a logger.
    You have four or more broken down vehicles in your yard. Bonus points if they're snowmobiles.
    Your basic vehicle survival kit consists of blankets, pillows, a shovel, and rock salt.
    You need a translator when you come to visit Illinois, Brooklyn, Ontario and North Dakota
    You get inspiration from the movie "Escanaba in da Moonlight" by Jeff Daniels.
    You think fine dining is a pasty and a Pabst.
    You have a bumper sticker that says "Say Ya To Da UP."
    Your school has an 8th grade graduation.
    You pay the taxes on your camp from the proceeds of beer can returns.
    You come home from the bar late at night and your wife asks, "Had a good time dear?"
    The smell of snowmobile exhaust reminds you of Last Christmas.
    You check your bank balance to see if you can afford to buy four pasties from the pasty sale this week.
    You make your own pasties, because who makes them better??? Nobody!!
    You plan your vacation around deer season.
    You use venison hamburger to make chili.
    Going up north means a hunting trip to Canada.
    Your neighbor plows your driveway and you pay him back with Yooper currency: a frozen lake trout from your freezer.
    You jump out of the sauna and into the lake and you feel that great feeling of the water bubbling off your skin and that great sound of popping as the bubble hit the air.
    You only own three spices - salt, pepper and ketchup.
    You design your Halloween costumes to fit over a snowsuit.
    You have more miles on your snowblower than your car.
    You have 10 favorite recipes for venison.
    Your TrueValue Hardware on any Saturday is busier than the toy stores at Christmas.
    You've taken your kids trick-or-treating in a blizzard.
    Driving is better in the winter because the potholes get filled with snow.
    You think everyone from the city has an accent.
    You think sexy lingerie is tube socks and a flannel nightie with only 8 buttons.
    You owe more money on your snowmobile than your car... or
    One of your cars is a Ski-Doo.
    The local paper covers national and international headlines on l/4 page, but requires 6 pages for sports.
    Your snowblower gets stuck on the roof.
    You think the start of deer hunting season is a national holiday.
    Summer takes place the second week of July (and it still rains!!).
    You know which leaves make good toilet paper.
    You find -20°F a little chilly.
    The trunk of your car doubles as a deep freezer.
    You attended a formal event in your best clothes, your finest jewelry and your snowmobile boots.
    Shoveling the driveway constitutes a great upper body workout.
    You know the four seasons: Winter, Still Winter, Almost Winter, and Construction.
    The municipality buys a Zamboni before a bus.
    Your parents had their 50th anniversary at the Merwin Creek Campground.
    You have two mailboxes, one that is normal for early winter, and one that is seven feet tall and already buried October 2.
    You have a door upstairs so that you can go outside in the winter (to get the mail in your seven-foot tall mailbox!).
    Your vocabulary includes the following: da, dis, dat, dees, dem and deirs. Also included is the number "tree."
    You have a "camp," not a "cottage."
    You go "fishing out da camp."
    At your wedding you toast with Grape MD20/20 instead of champagne.
    You saw a sign that said "Drink Canada Dry" and you've been trying ever since.
    Your mosquito repellent doubles as your aftershave.
    Road Pop is your name for beer.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Senior Rat HOFer oregonpackfan's Avatar
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    You know you're from Oregon when you say, "We don't sunburn here. We just rust!"

  10. #10
    Shutdown Rat All-Pro Charles Woodson's Avatar
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    Mia, Flo
    You know your from Florida, when 70 degrees is considered cold

  11. #11
    Stout Rat HOFer Guiness's Avatar
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    Canada, eh?
    You know you're from Ontario when

    You measure distance in hours

    You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day

    You use a down comforter in the summer

    Your grandparents drive at 65 mph through 13 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching

    Your grandparents sold booze to the States during Prohibition

    You know several people who have hit deer more than once
    (My grandparents were a tough lot. They did this one too)

    You carry jumper cables in your car and your girlfriend knows how to use them

    It takes you 3 hours to go to the store for one item even when you're in a rush because you have to stop and talk to everyone in town.

    Your $400,000 Toronto home is actually a dump

    You're in the only province with hard-core American-style crime

    MuchMusic's Speaker's Corner - rant and rave on national TV for a dollar

    You now consider Honda cars to be a 'domestic'
    Imagine for a moment a world without hypothetical situations...

  12. #12
    Postal Rat HOFer Joemailman's Avatar
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    In a van down by the river
    You know you're from Tennessee if you have a can-crusher mounted on the dashboard of your pickup truck.
    Ring the bells that still can ring
    Forget your perfect offering
    There is a crack, a crack in everything
    That's how the light gets in - Leonard Cohen

  13. #13
    Moose Rat HOFer woodbuck27's Avatar
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    You Know You're From Canada When...

    You're not offended by the term, "Homo Milk."

    You understand the phrase, "Could you pass me a serviette, I just dropped my poutine, on the chesterfield."

    You eat chocolate bars, not candy bars.

    You drink pop, not soda.

    You know what a Mickey and 2-4 mean.

    You don't care about the fuss with Cuba. It's a cheap place to go for your holidays, with good cigars.

    You know that a pike is a type of fish, not part of a highway.

    You drive on a highway, not a freeway.

    You have Canadian Tire money in your kitchen drawers.

    You know that Casey and Finnegan were not part of a Celtic musical group.

    You get excited whenever an American television show mentions Canada.

    You brag to Americans that: Shania Twain, Jim Carrey, Celine Dion and many more are Canadians.

    You know that the C.E.O. of American Airlines is a Canadian!

    You know what a touque is.

    You know that the last letter of the English alphabet is always pronounced "Zed" not "Zee".

    You understand the Labatt Blue commercials.

    You know how to pronounce and spell "Saskatchewan."

    You perk up when you hear the theme song from "Hockey Night in Canada."

    You were in grade 12, not the 12th grade.

    "Eh?" is a very important part of your vocabulary and more polite than, "Huh?"

    Winter. Whenever you want it. And then some.

    There's German food, Italian food, Chinese food, Armenian food, American food, but NO Canadian food.

    You call a "mouse" a "moose".

    You like the Americans a little because they don't want Quebec either.

    Contests run by anyone other than the government have "skill-testing questions" that winners must answer correctly before they can claim a prize.

    Everything is labelled in English and French.

    Milk comes in plastic bags as well as cartons and plastic jugs.

    Mountain Dew has no caffeine.
    ** Since 2006 3 X Pro Pickem' Champion; 4 X Runner-Up and 3 X 3rd place.
    ** To download Jesus Loves Me ring tones, you'll need a cell phone mame
    ** If God doesn't fish, play poker or pull for " the Packers ", exactly what does HE do with his buds?
    ** Rather than love, money or fame - give me TRUTH: Henry D. Thoreau

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