Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
Quote Originally Posted by th87
Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
It's not so much "blacks sticking together" as it is"blacks displaying subservience" to so-called black leaders--those I refer to as the "overseers of the liberal plantation".

We all know black people. Ask yourself, do ALL of them or even 90%+ seem hung up on getting a black candidate elected? Probably not.

Do they seem ideologically similar to Obama--disdainful of America? in favor of surrender in Iraq? opposed to harsh treatment of terrorist prisoners? Pro-abortion? Pro-homosexuality? Does that sound like the black people you know?

Decent well-meaning people who blindly follow the recommendation of their pastor or local NAACP or other black leader? Yeah, that sounds a whole lot more like the black people I know.

THAT is the reason for the bloc voting of black population--not sticking together like co-conspirators, not being ideologically committed to the sick leftist cause, just dutifully following their local and national "leadership".
So you're saying Black people are being brainwashed somehow by the leadership? Why would that be?
Are you kidding?

To win elections and inflict rotten leftist views, positions, and programs on good normal American people.

Combine these three loathsome ingredients:

The 10-12% edge coming from black racism--90-95% of the 12-14% of the population which is black

The horrendous and undeniable leftward bias of the mainstream media

And something Aynrand alluded to in his earlier O.J. post--the weird psychological defect causing many white people to feel a need to "compensate" for perceived past racism, and vote for blacks--or find O.J. not guilty,

And what do you get? The recipe for success for the Democrat Party in winning elections, even though literally everything they stand for is sickly out of tune with the views, values, and desires of the vast majority of good normal Americans.

Or maybe you and the rightwingers are out of touch with the majoirty of Americans?

Last I checked Obama is leading the popular vote.