Quote Originally Posted by Anti-Polar Bear
Quote Originally Posted by Partial
Good. And I'm sure you voted democrat without researching your candidate at all. I am glad you think you're all self-righteous by voting Democrat. Furthermore, your actions reak of ignorant idiot, not educated liberal.
And you have a narrow mind. Have you ever considered the seriousness of what I writes? Or are you just pissed because I keep spelling your name wrong? Partial and Partail sounds the same.
No, I do not have a narrow mind. Not at all in fact. The seriousness of what you write? Yes, i've considered it. You have whined about work, bragged about how you nonchalantly blew 3000 of your PARENTS dollars and then tried to justify it, since like you your parents are self-righteous liberals. You've offended men everywhere who spend their days at home taking care of children, and downplayed the importance of a father figure in a child's life. Anyone else want to add to the list?