Quote Originally Posted by packinpatland
Quote Originally Posted by sheepshead
Quote Originally Posted by packinpatland
Quote Originally Posted by Partial
I think it will be far more troubling when I have to explain to my young children what is wrong with those two men walking down the street holding hands...

Please think before you speak.
Why feel the need to explain anything? Why say it's wrong? Let them come to their own conclusions.
As to the notion of adoption. My kids have plenty of friends with two moms or two dads. We went to these kid's weddings (3 this summer) They had gay parents, they chose straight partners. They grew up in loving homes....the alternative could have been orphanages or foster homes.
On this particular issue, where there really is no bearing on anyone other than those directly involved, why should it bother you so much?
Again with all due respect it's called "parenting". Liberalism is popular because it's easy. This is another example.
All due respect to you, I know alittle bit about parenting. I have 3 very successful daughters. My husband and I were, still are, very good parents. Letting children form their own opinions is alot harder than trying to mold them into thinking the way you want them to.
I agree 100% PIP - I am very grateful that my parents believed in my ability to make my own decisions about the world.