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Thread: Proposition 8

  1. #281
    Quote Originally Posted by th87
    Quote Originally Posted by swede
    Quote Originally Posted by packinpatland
    My favorite West Wing episode:
    West Wing: the television show that fantasized about liberal issues and presented weekly smackdowns of evil, hateful Republicans, allowing liberal ladies to survive the Bush era by pretending the President was really a Democrat.
    Though this may be, the guy was dead-on with respect to the picking and choosing of Biblical laws to obey.
    Cy: No he wasn't. That little soliloquy was obnoxious, a straw man fabricated by Hollywood, because in their secularist cacoon they haven't a clue of what Christians really believe. But it sure made the ignorant feel good about hearing it. Secularists and liberals heard it and said, "Yeahhh, Go get 'em, Prez!" Christians heard it and said, "huh? What's he talking about."

    To say that the rejection of homosexula marriage is an "imposition of our morality" is to deny that anyone can be against homosexual marriage unless he is a "man of the book." Which is absurd.

    Anyone who wishes to maintain the traditional undersstanding of meaning and language could and would be against homosexual marriage. Citizens in a Republic have an interest in maintaining stability, and part of that stability demands that traditional institutions are maintained.

    Why, for example, could polygamy be argued for and defended with the SAME arguments used to defend homosexual marriage? Or incest? Or any number of different arrangements?

  2. #282
    Quote Originally Posted by Cy
    Collectivism has been tried before, and it has failed abjectly, miserably, and often at great cost to human life.
    This is true. That's why we meld elements of free markets and collectivism. Implemented as pure ideologies, both systems fail.

  3. #283
    Quote Originally Posted by Cy
    Why, for example, could polygamy be argued for and defended with the SAME arguments used to defend homosexual marriage? Or incest? Or any number of different arrangements?
    Now, that makes me stop and think.

  4. #284
    Quote Originally Posted by HowardRoark
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by HowardRoark
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by HowardRoark
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by HowardRoark
    Quote Originally Posted by falco
    Quote Originally Posted by HowardRoark
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    I completely understand it.
    You have absolutely no understanding of Christianity.
    why bring religion into it?
    I didn't.
    Who did Howard?
    Hell if I know. Am I my PackerRats brother keeper?
    Exactly, but you appear to be mine.

    It is just amazing how you can always manage to critique my usage of the bible/religion.
    Whether or not you believe in Christianity is not the issue with your lack of knowledge on the subject. You are unaware of one of the cornerstones of the religion; that being the Trinity.

    It’s OK to once and a while admit you are not an expert on a subject.
    Unaware? LOL

    Where do you determine that from my posts?

    Yeah, i guess i never have heard of that...i always wondered about my friend who went to Trinity in Texas. Yeah, never have heard of the father, son and the holy ghost.

    Yep, just having catholic friends and attending church with them taught me nothing.

    Yep, dating a Unitarian taught me nothing.

    Guess living in the south and being exposed regularly to pentecostals who don't believe in that..or living in Phx and working regularly with LDS members who dont' believe in it either. Yep, a foreign concept.

    Yep, being married to a woman that converted and attending her parents church regularly taught me nothing.

    Howard, this is a christian country for the most part. It is almost impossible if you are a sentient being to not pickup on your religion. It is as pervasive as air.
    Look, otown, with all due respect, I know every possible intricacy of what you did, do, and don’t know on the subject. Back at OT: Movie Recommendation, there was a month long discussion on the topic. It already is the second time around for your little cut and paste up above. I’ve seen it and heard it all before.

    You had your co-dependent Abe to help you out. Go find him, let’s do it again. Sure, Robert (Nietzsche rest his soul) was there to pipe in once in awhile. And greenday, (Mr Fancypants with his PhDs) added some lucidity. I see GK and Cy are here now too. But really, this has all been done before.
    You have me confused with someone else. Seriously. If you think that I or anyone else who has half a brain hasn't heard of the trinity then you are really a moron. The whole thing (trinity) doesn't make much sense to me, but to think i haven't heard of it...that is laughable.

    I grew up with catholics and protestants. My family owned a boat with a catholic family. I attended church with them many times and was inquisitive about their brand of christianity.

    My ex's family was UCC. I attended church with them too many times to count..including many a sermon that left me quite cold about how they viewed non christians.

    So, please stop embarrassing yourself.

    You know ever intricacy? Really? LOL

    Abe help me out? Again you have me confused. Abe and I rarely saw i to eye...and he was one who belittled anyone who believed in religion..not me.

  5. #285
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by HowardRoark

    Look, otown, with all due respect, I know every possible intricacy of what you did, do, and don’t know on the subject. Back at OT: Movie Recommendation, there was a month long discussion on the topic. It already is the second time around for your little cut and paste up above. I’ve seen it and heard it all before.

    You had your co-dependent Abe to help you out. Go find him, let’s do it again. Sure, Robert (Nietzsche rest his soul) was there to pipe in once in awhile. And greenday, (Mr Fancypants with his PhDs) added some lucidity. I see GK and Cy are here now too. But really, this has all been done before.
    You have me confused with someone else. Seriously. If you think that I or anyone else who has half a brain hasn't heard of the trinity then you are really a moron. The whole thing (trinity) doesn't make much sense to me, but to think i haven't heard of it...that is laughable.

    I grew up with catholics and protestants. My family owned a boat with a catholic family. I attended church with them many times and was inquisitive about their brand of christianity.

    My ex's family was UCC. I attended church with them too many times to count..including many a sermon that left me quite cold about how they viewed non christians.

    So, please stop embarrassing yourself.

    You know ever intricacy? Really? LOL

    Abe help me out? Again you have me confused. Abe and I rarely saw i to eye...and he was one who belittled anyone who believed in religion..not me.
    O.K. otown, whatever you say. Your post above is literally a replay of what we have already discussed. The UCC is not Christian....ring a bell?
    After lunch the players lounged about the hotel patio watching the surf fling white plumes high against the darkening sky. Clouds were piling up in the west… Vince Lombardi frowned.

  6. #286
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    You fuckers are totally queering up the faggot thread with all your words.
    "You're all very smart, and I'm very dumb." - Partial

  7. #287
    United Church of Christ isn't christian?

    I'll be sure to let them know. Should we take them to court for false advertising as they pretty much state they are: Christian, Reformed, Congregational and Evangelical.

    Are all Protestant churches not christian?

    Who determines who is christian? Please let me know which branches of "christianity" aren't christian.

    Bell: Not really.

  8. #288
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    United Church of Christ isn't christian?

    I'll be sure to let them know. Should we take them to court for false advertising as they pretty much state they are: Christian, Reformed, Congregational and Evangelical.

    Are all Protestant churches not christian?

    Who determines who is christian? Please let me know which branches of "christianity" aren't christian.

    Bell: Not really.
    After lunch the players lounged about the hotel patio watching the surf fling white plumes high against the darkening sky. Clouds were piling up in the west… Vince Lombardi frowned.

  9. #289
    Quote Originally Posted by HowardRoark
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    United Church of Christ isn't christian?

    I'll be sure to let them know. Should we take them to court for false advertising as they pretty much state they are: Christian, Reformed, Congregational and Evangelical.

    Are all Protestant churches not christian?

    Who determines who is christian? Please let me know which branches of "christianity" aren't christian.

    Bell: Not really.
    I was being serious. Why are they not christian..and please let me know which other branches aren't. I want to correctly identify the wrong ones.

  10. #290
    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket
    You fuckers are totally queering up the faggot thread with all your words.
    i'm just sweet talking him into bed. That make you feel better?

  11. #291
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cy
    Why, for example, could polygamy be argued for and defended with the SAME arguments used to defend homosexual marriage? Or incest? Or any number of different arrangements?
    1. In most cases incest and polygamy occur in heterosexual people. They are sexually "normal" by nature, they just choose to take it to an unacceptable height.

    2. How many polygamists are there in the US? Now, how many homosexuals are there in the US?
    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

  12. #292
    But how many polygamists would there be if they thought they could get away with it?
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  13. #293
    Quote Originally Posted by BallHawk
    Quote Originally Posted by Cy
    Why, for example, could polygamy be argued for and defended with the SAME arguments used to defend homosexual marriage? Or incest? Or any number of different arrangements?
    1. In most cases incest and polygamy occur in heterosexual people. They are sexually "normal" by nature, they just choose to take it to an unacceptable height.

    2. How many polygamists are there in the US? Now, how many homosexuals are there in the US?
    Unacceptable heights for polygamy? I use to respect you!!!

    If anything, there is no reason to outlaw polygamy. Especially since it is a religious practice.

  14. #294
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    I was mainly referring to incest, not polygamy.

    I believe that polygamy is morally wrong, but I don't think there is a strong case against it. It's going on the biblical definition of, seperation of Church and State.

    Hell, I think beastiality should be legal.

    Govt should keep its head out of two things: Marriage and Sex.
    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

  15. #295
    Quote Originally Posted by BallHawk
    I was mainly referring to incest, not polygamy.

    I believe that polygamy is morally wrong, but I don't think there is a strong case against it. It's going on the biblical definition of, seperation of Church and State.

    Hell, I think beastiality should be legal.

    Govt should keep its head out of two things: Marriage and Sex.
    Why do you think polygamy is morally wrong?

  16. #296
    He asks about that and not the bestiality...what if the animal has a headache that night?
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  17. #297
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by BallHawk
    I was mainly referring to incest, not polygamy.

    I believe that polygamy is morally wrong, but I don't think there is a strong case against it. It's going on the biblical definition of, seperation of Church and State.

    Hell, I think beastiality should be legal.

    Govt should keep its head out of two things: Marriage and Sex.
    Why do you think polygamy is morally wrong?
    My personal belief, I believe marriage should be one man and one woman.

    That's it. Morally wrong, IMO. I'm not one to judge others, though. Thus my reasoning that govt. should stay out.
    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

  18. #298
    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    He asks about that and not the bestiality...what if the animal has a headache that night?
    What if I have a headache and the animal wants to get it on?

  19. #299
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    He asks about that and not the bestiality...what if the animal has a headache that night?
    What if I have a headache and the animal wants to get it on?
    It depends how expensive the horse is.
    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

  20. #300
    Quote Originally Posted by BallHawk
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    He asks about that and not the bestiality...what if the animal has a headache that night?
    What if I have a headache and the animal wants to get it on?
    It depends how expensive the horse is.
    What if the horse bought me an expensive dinner? Do i owe the horse sexual gratification?

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