He's a waffle-er. With Joe, it's which way is the wind blowing and it always seems to benefit him.
First he's a Dem, then he's an Ind., then he leans Rep. He's all over the place.

This is the kind poll going around:

Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Lieberman is doing as U.S. senator?

Approve 36 (45)
Disapprove 61 (43)

If the 2012 election for U.S. Senate were held today would you to reelect Joe Lieberman would you consider voting for another candidate or would you vote to replace Lieberman?

Reelect 35
Consider Someone Else 18
Replace 48

If Joe Lieberman loses his committee chairmanship at Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and switches his allegiance to the Republican Party would you that make you more likely reelect Lieberman more likely to consider voting for another candidate or more likely to vote to replace Lieberman?

Reelect 31
Consider Someone Else 15
Replace 52


By the way, CT has a Rep. Gov. and she's doing an excellent job. There are times it's not about party. In my opinion, that's the case with Joe. If there were a 4th party out there that was looking good........he'd join that one.