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Thread: (Senator?) Caroline Kennedy

  1. #41
    Let me help you out, Tex.

    And find ONE spot in ANY post I made in this thread that in ANY way suggests that I think there's anything wrong with working your way up. I said exactly the opposite. Quit making shit up. And to you "democrat" and "liberal" are the same thing unless you want to make up that list for me of the democrats you support.

    Jesus, try and toss you guys a bone and you make up opinions for me and attack the opinions you made up. Fifteen yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  2. #42
    Don't get me wrong, it's not like I care about Lieberman.

    He's one of the worst on global warming; He continues to be a tax and spend domestic liberal; He's staunch and pro-American on defense and security issues, but I think that has more to do with his being Jewish and a diehard supporter of Israel than anything else.

    There's no way anybody decent is going to come out of a state like Connecticut, and Lieberman may be about the best we can hope for, but he's nothing all that special. I just cited him as one Dem that I had "taken a fair look at" or whatever Ziggy said.

    As for sampling which way the wind is blowing, unlike some, I never criticized Bill Clinton for that. It basically means a politician is paying attention to the wishes of his constituents--which is what they all are supposed to do. My major gripe is those constituent wishes are all too often corrupted by the God damned American-hating assholes of the mainstream media.
    What could be more GOOD and NORMAL and AMERICAN than Packer Football?

  3. #43
    "There's no way anybody decent is going to come out of a state like Connecticut..."

    Geeeez Tex, thanks.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by packinpatland
    "There's no way anybody decent is going to come out of a state like Connecticut..."

    Geeeez Tex, thanks.
    Maybe I should have said "politically speaking".

    Actually, by that same reasoning, I really don't care if Caroline gets appointed either. The alternative, apparently, is Andrew Cuomo. He'd probably be just as bad and more effective in his badness--nothing decent is likely to come out of New York either--politically speaking.
    What could be more GOOD and NORMAL and AMERICAN than Packer Football?

  5. #45
    Grandpa Rat HOFer The Shadow's Avatar
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    Chelsea Clinton for Secretary of Defense!
    Who Knows? The Shadow knows!

  6. #46
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    I could give a shit what NY does with the open seat. Letterman, Steinbrenner,'s their decision.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by packinpatland
    He's a waffle-er. With Joe, it's which way is the wind blowing and it always seems to benefit him.
    First he's a Dem, then he's an Ind., then he leans Rep. He's all over the place.
    Huh!? Lieberman has been the opposite of a waffler, he sticks to positions he believes in, regardless of which party philosophy they fall neatly into. The only "waffling" has been by leftist democrats, who want to punish him now that they might not need his vote so badly.

    Lieberman votes liberal on most domestic issues, he certainly is more like a dem than a republican. But he has taken a hard line on international issues, he backed the surge strategy, and he endorsed John McCain because of his judgement on foreign policy.

    Its funny how the Democrats are becoming the party of intolerance. John Kennedy would not be welcome in the party today, he was certainly to the right of Lieberman. But I suppose the pendulum will swing back someday.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    Quote Originally Posted by packinpatland
    He's a waffle-er. With Joe, it's which way is the wind blowing and it always seems to benefit him.
    First he's a Dem, then he's an Ind., then he leans Rep. He's all over the place.
    Huh!? Lieberman has been the opposite of a waffler, he sticks to positions he believes in, regardless of which party philosophy they fall neatly into. The only "waffling" has been by leftist democrats, who want to punish him now that they might not need his vote so badly.

    Lieberman votes liberal on most domestic issues, he certainly is more like a dem than a republican. But he has taken a hard line on international issues, he backed the surge strategy, and he endorsed John McCain because of his judgement on foreign policy.

    Its funny how the Democrats are becoming the party of intolerance. John Kennedy would not be welcome in the party today, he was certainly to the right of Lieberman. But I suppose the pendulum will swing back someday.
    Lieberman is the one Democrat that has carried himself with some integrity, even when savaged by his colleagues of several years.

    Word Association Game - Read the names of the following leaders and what's the first thing that comes to mind?:

    Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Schumer, Rangel, Boxer, Durbin, Dean, Conyers, Dodd, Kerry, Biden.

    "Endless lies" is what I think of.

    Lieberman is not even in the same league with them.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    Let me help you out, Tex.

    And find ONE spot in ANY post I made in this thread that in ANY way suggests that I think there's anything wrong with working your way up. I said exactly the opposite. Quit making shit up. And to you "democrat" and "liberal" are the same thing unless you want to make up that list for me of the democrats you support.

    Jesus, try and toss you guys a bone and you make up opinions for me and attack the opinions you made up. Fifteen yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.
    I didn't notice your post until now.

    So "incuriosity" is a word on some level? Mostly archaic? OK, I'll have to give you that, although, clearly, "uncurious" with no related noun form would seem to be far more suitable.

    I'm not sure whether your post came before or after I mentioned Lieberman and a plethora of other mostly southern "blue dog" Dems in my lifetime, but no, I don't automatically assume Democrat means liberal--although it is getting increasingly that way. Breaux of Louisiana was the last Dem I can remember in the Senate, at least that showed an ounce of normalcy and pro-American-osity (see, I can make up words too)--other than Lieberman, who as I said, really IS a liberal on most issues.

    The point of this whole discussion--from my point of view, anyway, is not the unsuitability of Caroline Kennedy--and the lack of a record of "working her way up", but the blatant double standard between her and Sarah Palin--who actually does have a wonderful record and resume.

    Even if the leftist mainstream media pictured equivalency between Palin and Kennedy, they would be wrong, as Palin has a solid record of achievment, and Kennedy does not. They go way beyond that, though, having the elitist gall to portray Kennedy as more suitable than Palin.

    The conservative equivalent of Caroline Kennedy would be somebody like Maureen Reagan--who although we has wonderful conservative positions on issues, has no experience to qualify her to be a senator or whatever. Honestly, that wouldn't bother me, and I can't really fault leftists for supporting Caroline the same way.

    I'm just pointing out the annoying and incessant bashing of Sarah Palin as somehow less competent or qualified, when in fact, Palin is on a much higher level than Kennedy, or than God damned Obama, for that matter.
    What could be more GOOD and NORMAL and AMERICAN than Packer Football?

  10. #50
    I'm just pointing out the annoying and incessant bashing of Sarah Palin as somehow less competent or qualified, when in fact, Palin is on a much higher level than Kennedy, or than God damned Obama, for that matter.

    Yeah but........Palin 'pals around' with drug peddlers.

  11. #51
    I'll see your daughter's mother-in-law and raise you three Kennedy cousins and a alcoholic Uncle Teddy.

    And Obama ........ he patronized the drug peddlers--and I think crack cocaine trumps oxycontin, too.
    What could be more GOOD and NORMAL and AMERICAN than Packer Football?

  12. #52
    That's good Tex....not worth a damn......but good.

  13. #53
    Smart Ass Rat HOFer sheepshead's Avatar
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    It seems that Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, or how ever she is styling herself this week, has been carrying on a “close friendship” with NY Times publisher Arthur “Pinch” Sulzberger (in this context his nickname is most appropriate) and the NY Times refuses to comment on the subject. Sez them: “we don’t report stuff like this, regardless of the people involved.”
    Lombardi told Starr to "Run it, and let's get the hell out of here!" - 'Ice Bowl' December 31, 1967

  14. #54
    She's never held public office. She didn't financially support New York Democrats. She didn't even vote consistently. But now, at age 51, Princess Caroline is answering her father's famous call to public service?

    Kennedy says 9/11, Obama led her to public service

    Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg should stay on the sidelines and keep living off the Kennedy mystique. She will always have her devotees, but the more in the public eye she emerges, the more people are reminded that the only fairly tale surrounding her is the "glory" of the Kennedys.

    Her family's been screwed up for generations, including her mother's side.

    But she and Obama do have something in common - their qualifications for service and public personas are both substantively media creations.

    Example: Poll: Obama is man Americans admire most

    Most admired by whom? Nobody really knows him. The media worked overtime to obscure his personal history and craft an image just like they did with the Kennedys.

    32% of 1,008 people said Obama. The next closest person has 5%.

    On which Manhattan sidewalk did they do their survey?

    Do you doubt me? Get this, "Hillary Rodham Clinton leads the list of most-admired woman, a spot she's held for 13 of the past 16 years."

    One of the MOST-ADMIRED WOMEN for 16 years? On planet Liberal Elite, maybe, but not in the real world.

    But, hey, USA Today commissioned the survey and they get to put the results on their front page like its real news. Pakistan's troops moving to the borders of India? Move that story and put the survey in its place. That's not more important than declaring Obama six times more popular than any other living American. And this is journalism as 2009 begins.

    So I guess it will be Senator Caroline Kennedy (Schlossberg) by decree so the elites' fairy tale will continue.

  15. #55
    Frankly, I don't give a damn.

    I say again, no way anybody who ain't a total piece of crap is ever going to the Senate from a state like New York anyway. If it ain't poor pathetic Caroline, it will be somebody just as rotten, and probably a lot more effective in their rottenness--Andrew Cuomo, for example.
    What could be more GOOD and NORMAL and AMERICAN than Packer Football?

  16. #56
    Smart Ass Rat HOFer sheepshead's Avatar
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    Anyone else think her brother would be president elect today had he lived?
    Lombardi told Starr to "Run it, and let's get the hell out of here!" - 'Ice Bowl' December 31, 1967

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by sheepshead
    Anyone else think her brother would be president elect today had he lived?
    Yep, he was definitely heading that way.

    He came to Seoul a few months before he died. Nobody cared about his message. The Koreans were ga-ga over his good looks and his Kennedy name.

    He'd be a shoo-in for stardom, especially when compared to the dinosaurs in the Democratic Party.

  18. #58
    Smart Ass Rat HOFer sheepshead's Avatar
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    "He came to Seoul a few months before he died. Nobody cared about his message. The Koreans were ga-ga over his good looks and his Kennedy name. "

    Uhh we dont know anyone like THAT do we?
    Lombardi told Starr to "Run it, and let's get the hell out of here!" - 'Ice Bowl' December 31, 1967

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by sheepshead
    "He came to Seoul a few months before he died. Nobody cared about his message. The Koreans were ga-ga over his good looks and his Kennedy name. "

    Uhh we dont know anyone like THAT do we?
    Yes and her name is Sarah.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  20. #60
    Smart Ass Rat HOFer sheepshead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    Quote Originally Posted by sheepshead
    "He came to Seoul a few months before he died. Nobody cared about his message. The Koreans were ga-ga over his good looks and his Kennedy name. "

    Uhh we dont know anyone like THAT do we?
    Yes and her name is Sarah.
    I would have to argue that there are many on the right that share her values and admire her record in government.
    Lombardi told Starr to "Run it, and let's get the hell out of here!" - 'Ice Bowl' December 31, 1967

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