She's never held public office. She didn't financially support New York Democrats. She didn't even vote consistently. But now, at age 51, Princess Caroline is answering her father's famous call to public service?

Kennedy says 9/11, Obama led her to public service

Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg should stay on the sidelines and keep living off the Kennedy mystique. She will always have her devotees, but the more in the public eye she emerges, the more people are reminded that the only fairly tale surrounding her is the "glory" of the Kennedys.

Her family's been screwed up for generations, including her mother's side.

But she and Obama do have something in common - their qualifications for service and public personas are both substantively media creations.

Example: Poll: Obama is man Americans admire most

Most admired by whom? Nobody really knows him. The media worked overtime to obscure his personal history and craft an image just like they did with the Kennedys.

32% of 1,008 people said Obama. The next closest person has 5%.

On which Manhattan sidewalk did they do their survey?

Do you doubt me? Get this, "Hillary Rodham Clinton leads the list of most-admired woman, a spot she's held for 13 of the past 16 years."

One of the MOST-ADMIRED WOMEN for 16 years? On planet Liberal Elite, maybe, but not in the real world.

But, hey, USA Today commissioned the survey and they get to put the results on their front page like its real news. Pakistan's troops moving to the borders of India? Move that story and put the survey in its place. That's not more important than declaring Obama six times more popular than any other living American. And this is journalism as 2009 begins.

So I guess it will be Senator Caroline Kennedy (Schlossberg) by decree so the elites' fairy tale will continue.