First off Tex, I'm not as pro-abortion as you think. I think it should be illegal after viability. That's well documented. And thanks, but Sarah's gender has little to do with her ability as a politician. Not any politician will do simply because she happens to be female. I don't buy that everyone supports any particular party line. If that were true, then Condi would most certainly be a democrat, right?

I also do not think that war is never necessary, but that war is a gargantuan step that must be thought through and entered into by people with enough intelligence to make the call and the ability to think through where it leads us in the end. You will never convince me that Bush went into that war thinking it was simply a distraction for al qaeda. Bush himself has recently admitted that they weren't ready for that war. You gonna argue with him too? And you also know that I only believe in government programs as a means to an end and not a permanent condition. I believe that the Detroit automakers should get unemployment, but not forever--only for a reasonable period to find other work. You don't think the displaced autoworkers and the millions in this country who've been laid off should have unemployment compensation benefits for a set period of time? Don't generalize with me Tex.

Which of Sarah's positions is pro American. I'm still trying to get you guys to list one policy of hers that you agree with, because, quite frankly, I don't think any one of you knows what her policies are. Dean made a nice generalization of her resume, but it didn't include a single issue that she stood for or against. And until she throws her hat into the ring again, she IS COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. (Except to Freak Out) You're forgetting that should she try to run again, she'd have to win the nomination. I doubt she can do that. I don't think a wink and a smile will get that done against more powerful experienced and accomplished republicans. She was chosen for a reason and it backfired.