Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
I thought he must have given one hell of a speech to garner that kind of attention.

Find where I whined about Palin getting too much attention.

He wasn't running for anything. What would have been the point?

These were not yes or no questions. Although admittedly the governor of a state and a state legislator are not on the same plane, I bet he represented more people than she does as governor. He certainly does now, doesn't he? Now, PIP is right. Let's discuss this in 8 years when it comes up again.
Hell Yeah! He said exactly what America-hating leftist assholes in the media wanted to hear.

You whine about Palin every time her name is brought up. As you like to point out, Palin isn't running for anything either--your apparent justification for whining that she is irrelevant. If it's "What would have been the point?" about Obama then, what is your point in bellyaching about Palin now--if not bias and a sick double standard?

Just looking at the math of it, I doubt if you divide the population of Illinois by the number of state legislators you get more than 600,000--your figure for the Alaska population.

As for the "Let's discuss this in 8 years" thing, you and PIP are making the giant leap of an assumption that Obama will be around for a second term. Apparently, a lot of those who were hoodwinked into voting for him are already getting buyers remorse. If he actually doesn't screw up royally and most of us actually don't suffer because he was elected, I will be pleased to give him credit, as that would be good for the country. I always gave Bill Clinton a degree of credit for not governing as horribly as his liberal background said he would, but then, he had the Gingrich Congress and the dotcom boom bringing success. Obama, on the other hand, has assholes like Reid and Pelosi leading a near filibuster proof majority to inflict all manner of evil upon us.