He was at the Democratic National Convention. You thought he'd praise the Republican platform?

Nobody was using Obama to trash the winning incumbent for months after the election back then either. The point is that you won't shut the fuck up about her comparing her to Obama every chance you see the slightest opportunity and for some bizarre reason obsessing about whether I like her. I don't and you can't change that.

And that's not my figure for the Alaska population. It's their official number from the US Census Bureau or are they America hating leftists over there too?

Why don't you wait and see how it plays out before you go on the attack. You've just said that you thought better of Clinton's governance than you thought you would. Why not see if the same holds true for Obama.

Oh. I just thought of it. I read a headline this morning that said the Obama tax CUTS will take effect soon. I didn't get the chance to read the article, so could you please explain that headline to me?