Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
I don't practice any of this silly shit, and I'm 62 years old also (3 months away) and look like I'm 40.

I practice tennis, golf, swimming, jogging (I had given it up because of boredom, but having an IPOD has brought me a resurgence of jogging), and lots and lots of sex.

I eat whatever I damn well please--greasy hamburger, tons of ice cream, lots of non-diet pop, no vegetables, nothing whatsoever that's "lite", fat-free, sugar-free, etc., and I'm healthy as a horse.

There's a lot of bogus propaganda going around about what is and isn't good for you. Much of it results in sacrificing enjoyment of life--which is something far more important than "eating right" or taking or doing weird stuff just because it's the latest fad.

I'm not denying that there are certain medical conditions that really do benefit from real medication, but it is after-the-fact stuff like blood pressure drugs--the only thing I do take, not all this off-the-wall usually phony preventative stuff.
You are healthy as a horse, but you have high blood pressure.
Like a high-strung thoroughbred.