sorry fasco, but you are one of my peeves. driving thru chicago (never been to LA). these idiots who must go 90 during rush hour weaving in and out inches between other cars. its a production car not a nascar. don't drive like you are on the track!!

quick story, last week i was driving home from a bus meeting and this guy, with IL plates (of course) come shooting past me at 90. a few minutes later as i am passing a semi i notice this dumbass in front of the semi going 55. as i go past i think he must be about to exit. the semi changes lanes to go around him well he moves over to the left lane, the semi goes back right he swevers back right as well. I assume the semi slowed him down earlier. well after this moron is finished pissing off this trucker he proceeds to take off like a bat out of hell again and flys past me again. less than a 1/2 mile ahead of me i see mr jackass boxed in by two semis. the previous semi must have radioed ahead to have these guys box him in. I open my sun roof and give the trucker a big thumbs up!! pay back is a bitch. oopps can you say bitch and still hold the PG rating?