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Thread: Rants

  1. #21
    see my other post....

  2. #22
    Do you still have the link I sent you long ago on hangover remedies? Just remember--NO ADVIL or any other ibuprofin.

  3. #23
    Redneck Rat HOFer Little Whiskey's Avatar
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    hangover cure??? never stop drinking!!

  4. #24
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarlam!
    Single malts are watsed on alkies, Mad.....
    Huh? Haha, sounds like you ARE a watsed alkie.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarlam!
    Single malts are watsed on alkies, Mad.....
    Huh? Haha, sounds like you ARE a watsed alkie.
    Only every other day. I figured I need a day to get wasted, and a day to recover. Hey, it's working for me!

    On a more life-pending note, I had my first "session" with my outplacement guy today. I don't know what he earns, but it's a cushy job. I might go after one myself.

    I just told him I only got enough severence pay for a half year, so he better get coaching and fast. Then we shot the breeze for 2 hours. Cushy job.

  6. #26
    Redneck Rat HOFer Little Whiskey's Avatar
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    i know i have already used a rant today, but i have another one and have decided to put it in the right thread


    the damn companies that come in and just lower prices because they don't care what kind of margin they make on products. and what the hell ever happend to vendor/buyer loyalty!!! out the f-ing window. one of my very good customers that has been doing bus. with me for quite some time has decided to price shop. well they come back to me and say "you need to beat this price in order to keep our business". the prices this new company is charging is just pennies over my cost!!! out the window!! what about the service i provide??? nahh, we don't care!!! out the window!!! SOB'S!!!

    pass the bottle and i aint sipping!!

  7. #27
    Senior Rat Veteran K-town's Avatar
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    Standing in line at the gorcery store: you are behind a women who will let the grocery clerk/cashier pass EVERY item in her shopping cart past the scanner, print up the receipt, and then, THEN, start LOOKING for her checkbook.
    Is it too difficult a concept to maybe have your checkbook out, maybe even have the name of the store and the date filled out, beforehand? Or is staring randomly into space whilst chewing gum a really excellent high that I should give a second chance?

    Bonus pet peeve/rant: The Express Lane sign says either No More Than 10 or 20 items (depending on the store). So when a guy or gal has 25 to 30 items, I wonder, "Is this person illiterate, or unable to count?"
    "What's one more torpedo in a sinking ship?"
    Lynn Dickey, 1984

    "Never apologize, mister. It's a sign of weakness."
    John Wayne, "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon"

  8. #28
    They all should have debit cards. Checks should no longer be accepted except at the customer service area while the checker is helping someone else.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by K-town

    Bonus pet peeve/rant: The Express Lane sign says either No More Than 10 or 20 items (depending on the store). So when a guy or gal has 25 to 30 items, I wonder, "Is this person illiterate, or unable to count?"
    Those are the people that are getting sick of waiting in line while the woman/man waits to get the checkbook out till the last item is scanned through.

    I can't stand when people park their cart in the middle of the isle and then spread their body next to it looking/searching for something on the other way anyone can get through. C'mon use just a bit of the brains you were given and move your shit!! eeeeeek I hate that! When I go to the grocery store I know exactly what I want and I want to move fast and get the hell out of there.

  10. #30
    My rant is related to Mad's. In the concrete parking lot - err freeways in Los Angeles, people generally go about 75-80 (the cops have other 'problems' to deal with out here). But for some unknown reason, the slowest drivers park themselves in the fast lanes. So, you've got like 4 or 5 people all boxed together and the guy in the front should move over, right? Well, unlike in WI (where most highways are one/two lanes), people here didn' learn that they're supposed to move the fuck over. My solution - drive fast in the slow lane and weave all over the damn 7 lanes (yes, this is very LA - but shit when you spend half the time in a traffic jam the minute you get some open road you've got to take advantage.)

  11. #31
    Redneck Rat HOFer Little Whiskey's Avatar
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    sorry fasco, but you are one of my peeves. driving thru chicago (never been to LA). these idiots who must go 90 during rush hour weaving in and out inches between other cars. its a production car not a nascar. don't drive like you are on the track!!

    quick story, last week i was driving home from a bus meeting and this guy, with IL plates (of course) come shooting past me at 90. a few minutes later as i am passing a semi i notice this dumbass in front of the semi going 55. as i go past i think he must be about to exit. the semi changes lanes to go around him well he moves over to the left lane, the semi goes back right he swevers back right as well. I assume the semi slowed him down earlier. well after this moron is finished pissing off this trucker he proceeds to take off like a bat out of hell again and flys past me again. less than a 1/2 mile ahead of me i see mr jackass boxed in by two semis. the previous semi must have radioed ahead to have these guys box him in. I open my sun roof and give the trucker a big thumbs up!! pay back is a bitch. oopps can you say bitch and still hold the PG rating?

  12. #32

    Sam's Club

    I am devastated that the oficers of Sam's Club have neglected our hero on our new home. When will someone start the official club HERE!!

    Need reminding of his greatness:

  13. #33
    This time do I get to be an officer instead of a lowly peon?
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  14. #34
    O.K. I'll bite. What's a Peon?

  15. #35
    Worker ant. Lowest class citizen.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  16. #36
    Naked Mole Rat HOFer Iron Mike's Avatar
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    Does anyone else but me get pissed off with Mission and Values statements on the job???

    One of my workplace's mission statements is "we value honesty in all our relationships"........................that must be why we schedule a doctor's office visits every 15 minutes when there's no way in hell that he/she can manage to keep that schedule--so that by noontime he/she is commonly at least 45 minutes behind schedule. It must be a comfort to the patient that we value honesty so much that we don't explain that to them--we'll just leave them sitting in the waiting room!

    Wait........I'm not done ranting!!!!! We have a department chock full of ass-kissers who spent enough time on their knees that they were "rewarded" with the position of "community relations"--which means they sit around the job and think up great new programs to increase worker production and satisfaction. The latest idea for a slogan? "Simply the Best"--with the idea that if we splatter the workplace with these "Simply the Best" stickers, well then of course, ALL of the employees are just gonna do the best job they possibly can.....just by seeing the sticker. So of course the standard response to computer downtime, mechanical misfunction or human error is always...."put a 'Simply the Best' sticker on it.....then it will be JUST FINE!!!!!"

  17. #37
    Redneck Rat HOFer Little Whiskey's Avatar
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    I agree mike, these statements that make the big wigs feel good, yet all the front liners can see right thru it. I used to work for Menards (midwest version of Home Depot) i remember when they decided to call customers, guests and call the employees, team members. because it was going to change our attitudes, i think it had the opposite effect since we could see right thru it.

    on your doctor visit rant. everytime my son goes in, they sit there for at least an hour waiting for there "scheduled" appointment. your right nothing is ever said or never an appology given. but what happens when you are late. you would have thought you just commited murder!!! ya that pisses me off!!

    on to my latest rant and it was brought on by mikes first rant. the company i work for just hit a billion dollars in sales last year. you know what they gave us as a reward for that feat??? an F-ing BEACH TOWEL!!! no kind of bonus, a BEACH TOWEL!!! i think nothing would have been better that a dumbass thing like a towel. i think it really pissed alot of people off with that. meanwhile mr. ceo is cashing his million dollar bonus check. nice real nice.

  18. #38
    Senior Rat Veteran K-town's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Little Whiskey
    on to my latest rant and it was brought on by mikes first rant. the company i work for just hit a billion dollars in sales last year. you know what they gave us as a reward for that feat??? an F-ing BEACH TOWEL!!! no kind of bonus, a BEACH TOWEL!!! i think nothing would have been better that a dumbass thing like a towel. i think it really pissed alot of people off with that. meanwhile mr. ceo is cashing his million dollar bonus check. nice real nice.
    How's this one for ya: The company I used to work for held an annual company cook-out on site to celebrate sales, un-Godly profits, whatever. The thrill for us serfs was that corporate officers would cook and serve our food for us - brats, hamburgers, etc. Then, as an added bonus, there was an innaugural bus tour to the new Corporate headquarters (for upper level staff and officers only, of course). We got to see the CEOs several thousand foot square office, private work-out facility, sheltered garage, massage parlor with call girls (I may have made that last one up).
    Point is, as a Fortune 500 Company, my stake in the financial windfall of my employers success was an undercooked brat, an overcooked hamburger, and three bean salad from Piggly Wiggly.
    "What's one more torpedo in a sinking ship?"
    Lynn Dickey, 1984

    "Never apologize, mister. It's a sign of weakness."
    John Wayne, "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon"

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Little Whiskey
    i know i have already used a rant today, but i have another one and have decided to put it in the right thread


    the damn companies that come in and just lower prices because they don't care what kind of margin they make on products. and what the hell ever happend to vendor/buyer loyalty!!! out the f-ing window.

    Sorry, but I disagree. A buyers loyalty should lie with his shareholders. If you aren't creating enough value in the supply chain to justify your higher prices, then you'll be meeting with Mr. Darwin instead of Mr. Customer.

  20. #40
    Redneck Rat HOFer Little Whiskey's Avatar
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    try explaining value added service to the accountants.

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