I agree mike, these statements that make the big wigs feel good, yet all the front liners can see right thru it. I used to work for Menards (midwest version of Home Depot) i remember when they decided to call customers, guests and call the employees, team members. because it was going to change our attitudes, i think it had the opposite effect since we could see right thru it.

on your doctor visit rant. everytime my son goes in, they sit there for at least an hour waiting for there "scheduled" appointment. your right nothing is ever said or never an appology given. but what happens when you are late. you would have thought you just commited murder!!! ya that pisses me off!!

on to my latest rant and it was brought on by mikes first rant. the company i work for just hit a billion dollars in sales last year. you know what they gave us as a reward for that feat??? an F-ing BEACH TOWEL!!! no kind of bonus, a BEACH TOWEL!!! i think nothing would have been better that a dumbass thing like a towel. i think it really pissed alot of people off with that. meanwhile mr. ceo is cashing his million dollar bonus check. nice real nice.